I'm more confused than when I began
Tank lighting (like everything else about your fish/plants/filter/heater/CO2/fertilizers at al) is really a personal choice
I've had my current T5 luminaire for some years (US made knockoff of a Giesmann so very functional but definite compromise on the finish & heft), when I decided to upgrade lighting on my 90cm tank, I'd intended to just get a current version of my older unit ... except none of the T5 luminaires I looked at were even as well designed as my old one (manufacturer only produced aquarium lighting short term), anything remotely modern was all LED & T5 replacement tube displays were facing extinction (I really like my Giesmann tubes, when I can't get them anymore, I'll likely switch over to LED on this tank as well)
So reluctantly I started reading up on LED, sent out some emails/calls to manufacturers - Kessil was highly recommended by local shop & stood out in responsiveness to my queries.
I did the shop rounds to see/touch every light option ... finally bought the Kessils at the Boxing Day Sale
They are such a great light system for working on the tank & I like being able to alter spectrum & intensity (these use a "cluster" LED so you don't see the individual blue, green, red etc LED's which I like ... I have a
Current USA Satelite + Pro which has the linear LED array - impulse buy as it was on good price & I'd considered it as a replacement for my T5 luminaire - now I know that I'll put a Kessil on that tank instead
😉 )
(for lighting technical details Advanced Aquarist has several articles, also read about PAR vs PUR - TMC Aquarays shine in the PUR)
T5's & LED can grow plants equally well, the rest is all esthetics & personal preference.
If you have a deep/tall tank, you need to look for high intensity LED (minimum 1 watt ... but the 1.2w SMD's didn't come close to same depth penetration as my T5 or Kessil) & good reflector design on the T5's.
I'm in Canada so not that familiar with your local options (aside from a few brands) - my best suggestion is to get out to a shop (even if you need to do a roadtrip) where you can really get a feel for what's on offer, you should get to play with the (LED) remotes too
I spent significant $$$ on the Kessils (~1.5 X my initial budget), there's no doubt the fish & shrimp much prefer the slow on/off of the LED (my T5 is not dimmable), I love the spotlight effect of a single, dimmed Kessil