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Surface scum


13 Jun 2022
Canterbury Kent
So I have quite a large tank (6x2x2) and have pretty good flow at both ends of the tank which creates good movement at the surface however I still get some light scum / film type stuff in the middle.

I have tried using extra wavemakers etc however it ends up being too much flow for the plants and smaller fish.

So main question, is the surface film bad for the tank or is it just unsightly??

Many thanks
I have a cheap one off amazon about £12 if i remember right. Does a banging job.but Iv seen a few vidoes on the new oase ones they look really good aswell
I have some bladder snails that love to float to the surface and feed on the surface scum. They look so ridiculous riding around on the current. I don't even know how they get down once they've had enough.
Hi all,
I have some bladder snails that love to float to the surface and feed on the surface scum.
It has a name, "pedal feeding" and actually works just like a surface skimmer. This is for the Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata):
...... The apple snail Pomacea canaliculata stabilizes itself just below the air–water interface and manipulates its foot such that it forms a cone-shaped funnel into which an inhalant current is generated, thereby drawing food particles into the funnel to be ingested. We measured the velocity of this feeding current and tracked the trajectories of food particles around and on the snail. Our experiments indicated that the particles were collected via the free surface flow generated by the snail’s undulating foot. ......


cheers Darrel