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Surface agitation or Venturi

Mr Loach

20 May 2018
west midlands
Your help please. I recently posted a thread fastflow tank which plants and thanks to everyone for responding I'm learning a lot quickly. I have a JUWEL Rio 350 filtered by an EHEIM external filter 1850 lph and an internal JUWEL filter of 1000 lph with Venturi
My question is as follows how should I set up the output of these filters. Am I best to have vigorous surface agitation or a spray bar or gentle surface agitation? Should a venturi be used?
Does surface agitation drive out CO2 and is therefore detrimental to plant growth?
Thanks in advance for your help
Yes surface agitation will gas off co2 but also provide o2, its about finding a balance, plants need o2 and co2, fish need o2, from what I have read the bubble a venturi create dont actually provide much o2 its more the bubble bursting at the surface that creates o2, I have a tank with hillstream loaches which need high o2, personally I run a venturi and also very high surface agitation
@Mr Loach , Are you injecting CO2? If not, just go to town with the agitation and venturi. If you are injecting, then go to town with your agitation; and increase your CO2 injection rate.
Hi all,
Yes surface agitation will gas off co2 but also provide o2, its about finding a balance, plants need o2 and co2, fish need o2, from what I have read the bubble a venturi create dont actually provide much o2 its more the bubble bursting at the surface that creates o2, I have a tank with hillstream loaches which need high o2, personally I run a venturi and also very high surface agitation
That is the one.
My question is as follows how should I set up the output of these filters. Am I best to have vigorous surface agitation or a spray bar or gentle surface agitation? Should a venturi be used?
Does surface agitation drive out CO2 and is therefore detrimental to plant growth?
If you have a lot of flow you already have a large <"gas exchange surface area">, because the surface of the water is constantly being replaced by water from lower down in the water column. As @doylecolmdoyle says venturi etc work in exactly the same way they increase the area of water where gas exchange can occur.

If you aren't adding CO2 (and I wouldn't for rheophilic fish) then a large amount of flow is beneficial in maintaining gas levels at near their equilibrium value with the atmosphere. Have a read through <"Does surface agitation...."> and links.

cheers Darrel
Yes surface agitation will gas off co2 but also provide o2, its about finding a balance, plants need o2 and co2, fish need o2, from what I have read the bubble a venturi create dont actually provide much o2 its more the bubble bursting at the surface that creates o2, I have a tank with hillstream loaches which need high o2, personally I run a venturi and also very high surface agitation
Thanks for your help and info can you tell me what plants work well for you in this scenario thanks
I've looked at the pictures and your tank looks good how is the vallis doing as you don't seem to have any lights on the tank? Cheers

Thanks, the light is just hung really high as its it is fairly powerfully, its going well, doesnt seem to mind high flow at all.