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Superman's 180l Asian Retreat

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

LondonDragon said:
Could be a circulation issue, I had that in my tank even with the internal and external filter going.
Problem only went away when I started dosing Easycarbo and placed a powerhead inside the tank to help circulation.
Juwel insternal are very bad for circulation and create too many deadspots.

Good point and could possibly be. If you have another filter then maybe you can rearrange the outlets for more circulation along the length of the tank. If you need more circulation the Koralia pumps are great and relatively cheap.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Those Koralia pumps look fun. Might get one for the other corner.

Got back home and the drop checker is right in the middle green.

More green/brown algae is present but the boost in dosing ferts has certainly helped. The Vallis is really growing well.

As I've increased dowing TPN+, should I increase the EasyCarbo?
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Superman said:
Those Koralia pumps look fun. Might get one for the other corner.
Got back home and the drop checker is right in the middle green.
More green/brown algae is present but the boost in dosing ferts has certainly helped. The Vallis is really growing well.
As I've increased dowing TPN+, should I increase the EasyCarbo?
I would get the powerhead first if you can't get a new filter and see how that went before you upped the dosage again, and its always best to wait a week or two to see the effects. Just place the powerhead in a place where it blows your CO2 bubbles all over the tank.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

LondonDragon said:
Superman said:
Those Koralia pumps look fun. Might get one for the other corner.
Got back home and the drop checker is right in the middle green.
More green/brown algae is present but the boost in dosing ferts has certainly helped. The Vallis is really growing well.
As I've increased dowing TPN+, should I increase the EasyCarbo?
I would get the powerhead first if you can't get a new filter and see how that went before you upped the dosage again, and its always best to wait a week or two to see the effects. Just place the powerhead in a place where it blows your CO2 bubbles all over the tank.

I'm planning on getting a TetraTec EX1200 when I've moved and settled in Cheltenham maybe on the 12th Feb.

My CO2 bubbles rise up and then go into the filter inlet.

Lets see how much thow Korali pumps are.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

I've decided to purchase the JBL CristalProfi 500 external filter and will be doing that in the next few days. I'll be buying dry ferts and making something similar to LondonDragon's water changer.

In addition, I'm going to keep my current dosing as I'm moving a week on Saturday. Therefore, anything I look to change now will not show an impact and the move will no doubt upset things too.

With regards to the move, I'm planning on draining the tank as much as possible. Then filling it with as much damp newspapers as possible to keep the plants damp. Hopefully it'll go back into it's orginal box.
The fish will be bagged up and placed in a polystyrene box to keep them as stress free as possible.
Then when I arrive at my new house, hopefully, it'll be one of the first things off the truck - long with the kettle.

As soon as possible, I'll add the new filter and will start doing dry ferts.

Therefore, I'm thinking that as it's a new start for me, it will be a new thread going back to basics.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Right, just ordered the dry ferts and the JBL CristalProfi e1500 from AE. The filter will take about 2 weeks to be in stock and then delivered but am happy to wait for what I want.

I decided to buy everything from AE as I can trust their delivery times. Could of bought from a firm in Holland but that'd be a pain should anything go wrong.

I've started packing for the move and it's coming closer and closer. Hopefully, once everything is up and running in Cheltenham, I'll post some pics.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Dry ferts and will start doing on Saturday.

I'll be doing the following (using Matt H-B's link in the signature)

2.66g of KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate)
6.89g of MgSO4 (Magnesium Sulphate)
0.75g of KH2PO4 (Potassium Phosphate)

I shall be doing the 50% water change on a Monday evening.

I didn't realise that I should also add K2SO4 which isn't on the list of items on the articles page on the website. So will order some when I can.

Monday : Water change & Macro
Tuesday : 0.47g of CSM+B (Trace)
Wednesday : Macro
Thursday : Trace
Friday : Macro
Saturday : Day off
Sunday : Day off

What would people suggest I do this Saturday and Sunday?
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Hi Clark,
First of all you don't need K2SO4 you already dosing enough Potassium into the tank.
Also those values seem to be on the high side to start with, Trace seems fine everything else I would halve it, then increase as needed, since your plant mass is not very high. See if Clive pops in and gives his opinion, just seems high to me.
Good luck with the move 😉
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

A bit late seeing as you've switched over to powders but I think the problem you were having before r.e. the green rocks and glas was a phosphate issue. TPN+ is very low on P which would probably be why you saw some improvement when you upped the TPN+ dosaing. In retrospect you could probably have kept dosing the TPN+ at the same dosage and just added some potassium phosphate to increase its levels.

Are you adding the powders directly or mixing a solution? Just wondering as I have no idea on wether your quantities are correct. I don't work in ppn or grams or calculations. I just make solutions and increase/decrease according to what I see in the tank.

Looking good though matey.

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Sorry mate. no idea. lol

I use a lean dosing recipe from a similar tank size to mine and dose exactly the same even though I 1/3rd the lights of the person who's recipe I copy. Therefore I do dose more than is needed for my setup but not at EI levels.

Nothing scientific but it works for me. 😉

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Wow forum on my mobile!
Sorry for the lack of lines.
Move went ok really, a made a mistake of putting some news paper on the plants and the water in the gravel mushed it up so had to tidy it all up.
Fish are fine and am going to start to dose dry ferts from tonight. Made a londondragon water changer!
In the move only filled 4 of the 25 litre cans. So my substrate must be on the thick side.
One thing's for certain, i don't want to move again in a hurry!
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Back up and running online now, it was a tough detox!

Anyway, the aquarium seems to be doing well. I'm sure the same issues of flow etc are still there until my external filter arrives. However, everything seems to be doing ok.

I need to return the water canisters from Aquajardin to get my deposit back but might buy some more fish. They had some harlequins in and some otts. But I don't want to stock too heavily.

Photos will be coming through the weekend.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Get Otto's I love them, such cheeky and useful fish!
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Garuf said:
Get Otto's I love them, such cheeky and useful fish!
They do look very active fish, which is good. Hopefully, they'll be ok in the no-wood setup.

The moving experience is not something I want to do for sometime tho. It's was a nightmare and maybe next time I'll remove everything from the tank first.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Bought 5 ottos today when I returned the water containers.

I've been doing the dosing below for the past week, which seems to be going ok. There is some previous algae scarring which will take some time to sort out but i think there's some new plant growth.

Macro: KNO3, 2.3g; KPO4, 0.4g; MgSO4,3.4g

Monday : 50% water change & Macro
Tuesday : 0.5g of CSM+B (Trace)
Wednesday : Macro
Thursday : Trace
Friday : Macro
Saturday : Day off
Sunday : Day off

I have got out of the habbit of dosing easycarbo each day but doesn't seem to have affected things too much.
Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

Superman said:
I have got out of the habbit of dosing easycarbo each day but doesn't seem to have affected things too much.
I make sure I never forget mine 😉 btw how did you move your tank to the new place? did you completetly empty it, removed substrate and all? Just curious as I need to move my shrimp tank to the living room when I get the new cabinet for it.

Re: Superman's First Planted Tank

LondonDragon said:
Superman said:
I have got out of the habbit of dosing easycarbo each day but doesn't seem to have affected things too much.
I make sure I never forget mine 😉 btw how did you move your tank to the new place? did you completetly empty it, removed substrate and all? Just curious as I need to move my shrimp tank to the living room when I get the new cabinet for it.

I drained half the water, bagged the fish, drained the rest of the water, removed the rocks and left the gravel
It was really too heavy so next time will even remove the gravel.