So, what are we to make of this? Matt expressed concern about the interaction between ferts and dechlorinator. But, what about the fish, shrimps, snails, nitrifying bacteria, etc., etc.? It's not just chlorine/chloramine in tap water that poses a threat to these life forms but also heavy metals, for example. Copper, by way of just one example, has been shown to be toxic to some types of nitrifying bacteria if in excess of 0.05 mg/litre. And some species of fish will die at less than 0.15 mg/litre. The mean copper level in my tap water in 2018 was 0.23 mg/litre!
Do you have any theories/hypotheses, Tim, for this paradox? You must be doing something special. Is it possible that you run your planted tanks for a period of time before introducing fish, etc? Perhaps the plants are absorbing these toxins and chlorine gas is just being driven off?
Curiouser and curiouser (as Lewis Carroll would have said).