hi guys dont know if any one will have answer for me but here goes. my Staurogyne doesn't seem to be growing its been in the tank over 3 months now. when if first put it in most of it died back only leaving the very tops its been like this since. the stem below the head which is maybe 5-10mm long looks all brown and manky. the heads of the plant seem to snap off quite easily and no new leaves are growing. the strange thing is under the substrate the plants this putting down nice health roots. im not sure if im missing something.
tank specs
20mm of inert 5mm gravel over 40mm sand
co2 gas D/C yellow everywhere if n turn it up fish become stressed on 2 hours before lights on and 1 before lights out
all plants moving well in spray bar configuration with extra power heads well over 10X rule
342w t5 lighting
1 tsp k
.5 tsp p
trace as per bottle + a bit
weekly 50%+ water changes
all the other plant are ok but easy to grow like java fern and crypts
any thoughts appreciated
tank specs
20mm of inert 5mm gravel over 40mm sand
co2 gas D/C yellow everywhere if n turn it up fish become stressed on 2 hours before lights on and 1 before lights out
all plants moving well in spray bar configuration with extra power heads well over 10X rule
342w t5 lighting
1 tsp k
.5 tsp p
trace as per bottle + a bit
weekly 50%+ water changes
all the other plant are ok but easy to grow like java fern and crypts
any thoughts appreciated