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Stripping tank today just a few more Q's

I really like the dense areas, actually - but you can trim both the sword-plants and the Cryptocorynes, if you want them less dense (and you will need to trim them later anyway). Just carefully break off oldest leaves - they're very convenient allso the outer ones in the rosette *ss*. Both types of plant will tolerate very hard trimming - down to one or two leaves pr. rosette, actually - but less will do. Don't be scared of trimming - it's good for the plants !!
I was a bit unsure weather or not to trim with uprooting them and I didn't realise they could be chopped back so much, thanks for that , once they take hold I will reduce them to a more proportional size 🙂

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I think it looks nice, the plants are very healthy looking. Maybe let it settle a bit and try some serious trimming. That will let you see the hard scape better and give you a better idea of where you are at.
If you get carried away and over trim it's going to grow back anyway and you will be able to manage it to a level with which you feel happy.

Can't beat getting your hands in. :lol:

I think it looks nice, the plants are very healthy looking. Maybe let it settle a bit and try some serious trimming. That will let you see the hard scape better and give you a better idea of where you are at.
If you get carried away and over trim it's going to grow back anyway and you will be able to manage it to a level with which you feel happy.

Can't beat getting your hands in. :lol:

Yes because there is some nice bartri I attached to the wood and it's all hiding behind the overgrown plant at the bottom right.. I just couldn't throw any away some of the plant and fish went down to my lfs .. How long would you leave before I start snipping leaves off ?

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My other question here is do you think it's best I still run the co2 in this tank or is it just a waste ?

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Well CO2 is dependent on light, now you rearanged i would keep it for a few weeks at least to get everything settled. Should you decide you want to quit CO2, first decrease light and then gradually start weening the plants, they need to adjust to lesser CO2 levels.
Hi Frenchi,
Whether you use CO2 is up to you. Personally I would always use CO2 on a planted tank but some get away with using liquid carbons.

You could leave the tank a few weeks for the plants to establish, that's what I would do, but really it shouldn't matter too much. Plants are often bought in and have the roots trimmed and leaves lobbed off before they are placed in their new home.

Thanks guys I really appreciate your advice and I'm going to take it.. Co2 is staying 🙂 besides I have too much to let waste 🙂 ..
I have now taken the back off and it looks much better just plain ... I do need to clean it though eek !! Pics will follow tonight when I get a better picture thanks again for all your help

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Looks better without that background, you could always put a plain black one on which really shows off the plants well.

Looks better without that background, you could always put a plain black one on which really shows off the plants well.

Thanks Harry, I must admit I'm much happier without the background ...
I'll also trim the plants in a week or so

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