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Stringy algae


6 Aug 2024
United Kingdom
I have small amount of stringy algae in my tank, I have used my tank tweezers to twist it around and remove it, should I use a treatment , I have used easy life algexit previously.
Any other thoughts would help
You’d be better off treating the cause of the algae. Treating with algexit is only a short term solution as your algae will invariably return until you treat the cause.
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Could you send us a picture of the tank and algae please @Riley ?
Hi @Riley, sorry for not replying earlier.

Could you send us some details on the below? I am not an expert here, but I am sure this will help us help you!

  • Lighting and intensity
  • Fertilizer used, as well as the dosing amount and frequency.
  • Water change routine, how much and how frequent
  • Water parameters
  • Any CO2 addition

If there is anything you can add to the above, then please include it.
My lights are still the ones that came with the tank Juwel 120 , I use Flora grow pro (nearly finished) 1 pump every 2 days, my lfs test my water when I ask and they tell me it’s ok, they use dipsticks,really helpful staff.i do fortnightly 40% usually 4 x 10 litre bucket and gravel clean, no co2
Lights on at 1500-2200
Well, I am hoping a few others can chime in here, but this is my observation.

Flora Pro seems to be marketed for heavily planted tanks, as per the below. It also has nitrates and phosphates. Maybe nutrient richness is causing an issue?
  • Contains all the essential nutrients for heavily planted tanks.
  • Also contains Nitrates and Phosphates
I also note that the plants look unhealthy in places, and some are covered in algae. Which would suggest they are in the process of dying or at the very least, struggling. It could be that you are literally fertilizing the algae in the aquarium.

However, I am not an expert but lets see if someone else can chime in with some better advice!
How old is the tank? Usually algae growth is associated with excessive organic matter, which can accumulate as the tank ages. If things were going well for a long time and then started taking a turn for the worse, I suggest that you make some critical observations of the tank to identify where and how can dirt have accumulated, be it the substrate, the filter, trapped with the hardscape...

If there are no notable events that may have caused this algae issue, improved maintenance is usually the way to go. More water changes, better cleaning of the tank and filter...
Tank has been running about 18 months but only with real plants for a couple of months
Thanks anyway, I will throw away the feed and get a different one and should I Do weekly changes?
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