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Strike Action - Views


17 Mar 2008
My Workplace is voting on Strike action due to a stalemate over the groups pay increase.
Company Offered 3% rejected by staff and Union.
Union requested 5.9% (original was 9%) Company refused - offered 4%
Union came back with 5.9% - Company Rejected and Stated 4%. And no further offer will be made. And that till offer is accepted NO Annual pay increase will be given to staff either, this was due in August 2024.
In between all this has been ongoing since March and the new Minimum wage came into place. So there has been a slight increase to staff.

Union have said that anyone who strikes will be paid by the Union and will receive £70 per day wage.

I personally didn't want to strike, But Now My Department has been hit with a Restructure last week. And Us the Admin staff have all lost our jobs, And been told our roles will be combined with a new Planner/Co-ordinators role at a much higher pay scale. While this is good. It means there are 6 people now going for 3 jobs. If we are unsuccessful and cant be redeployed, we will be offered Redundancy. One member of the Admin team who will be retiring in 3 years IS taking Redundancy, so that does work in our favour somewhat.
I have had redundancy x2 over the years. But this situation is new to me with the restructure and strike action coming together at the same time. We have till the 18th october to sellm ourselves for the Planner Role. And then its redeployment etc. We are able to cherry pick roles currently available, and all other recruitment will be held till we are sorted.

I rejoined the company in October 23 after a 6 year absence due to the messy Divorce and moving to Derby. Coming back to look after Dad in September 23, and luckily my old job in my old team was available due to retirement.

Just wanted views, as we do have a very diverse working background on here and im sure people have been through situations like this before.

Saying i'm not upset is an understatement, it has been terrible for my health and increased my Migraines and Vertigo. Yesterday I had to take the pills that melt on your gums, as the vertigo was getting to the point of slurring my speech. I dont have anyone to voice with or talk to at home, and its the main topic of the office anyway, but we have all said our piece on it there.
HR's stupidity has been standard, and inflexible.