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Strange occupant!?


New Member
2 Apr 2022
I have a strange newcomer to my tank. I have an open top to my tank and have been away for a couple of weeks in holiday. I wondered if this was some kind of larvae or even a moth that had fallen in. It has been in the tank for a good few hours that I am aware of but doesn’t seem to be bothered by being underwater? Anyone know what it might be?


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Not too clear on the images, but looks like it could be a water scorpion.
Hi all,
or even a moth that had fallen in.
Looks like a moth, but Caddis (Trichoptera) look pretty similar as well.

There are moths that have aquatic larvae, but I don't know if the females lay their eggs underwater. <"Apparently "Water Veneer" moths"> do and they are <"very common in moth traps">, so are attracted by light.
It has been in the tank for a good few hours that I am aware of but doesn’t seem to be bothered by being underwater? Anyone know what it might be?
Fish it out and get a photo? We should be able to get it a family, even if we can't get a definitive ID.

cheers Darrel
Cheers for getting back to me. I tried to fish it out but it fell deep in the tank and met it’s demise by being swarmed by the seven bumble bee goby’s! I guess fish are opportunists.