Did you run into any issues, my 5ft 20g tank should come in around 120/140kg i guess with rocks and water. I think it will be fine.
none, and I probably had in total 230kg at least
Did you run into any issues, my 5ft 20g tank should come in around 120/140kg i guess with rocks and water. I think it will be fine.
I agree these days there are a lot of brands from even china / taiwan to consider for LED...
A different model of zetlight has served me well and on a shallow tank should be more than enough light to grow plants quite well i'd imagine...
Wcmm really are such a versatile fish, and honestly do very well in smaller tanks.
The now stable longfin variety also look very nice once the yellow and red finnage matures.
Smallest tank I ever kept them in was 10litres and thrived with active breeding. And just used a simple sponge filter.
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Looks good. Will tank have a cover? It would be nice to have left hand even higher with wood breaking the water surface.
Also you could get some gravel and small stones to mix/scatter on the substrate so it's less uniform and more natural looking, doesn't matter where it will be covered in plants obviously!
Looks good, I like the negative space on the right.
Love it, and a fellow trekkie - Voyager and DS9 my all time fave. Q fave character and Gianan from TNG
Haha caught me! Have you seen the new series? I wasn't a fan, but I persevered and I'm warming to it
Yeah was a slow starter for me, but as you say warmed to it. Will be interesting to see how it will progress. There is so much Star Trek Canon that can be used. Wonder if they will tie into DS9 and Voyager timelines with Section 47. Lol could chat about trekkie canon for hours/days. I am not sure though, did spock ever mention michael ????
I like how you have created the amount of open space in the scape.