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Steve's ADA 120P - Emerald Isles

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What I meant was that the wood on the left is thin twisty branches and the right hand side is thicker and straighter. Then again plants and moss can do wonders, tbh it is a minor issue and with plants it wouldn't be an issue at all. If you like it, stick with it. I would be happy with that in my house, if that helps!

That's what I meant lol as in two types of wood, yeah I'm happy with it but constructive criticism is always received well 😉.
I always get rolled eyes when I mention more plants so your not alone there, though it's always nice to savour the moment when you catch the other half looking at the tanks, somehow makes it feel all the more worthwhile.

This should look great all planted up.
Small update, extra large roll of cling film is in, heat mat on the way, moss and mini pellia ordered, dry start going ahead 😉.

Hi ADA, Stunning Hardscape Love it 🙄 Cannot wait to see this one all planted up 😉

Hope the plants are in stock soon:thumbup:

Thanks bud, yeah me too it's bugging me looking at it bare now lol.

ADA, I really like what you've done for your missus' tank. I'm already getting bits of lava rock stockpiled, and have also bought a bag of small BBQ sized lava rock. Some of it is in the 'plant tank' with Javas glued on already.

Thanks 🙂 it's good stuff to work with.

I always get rolled eyes when I mention more plants so your not alone there, though it's always nice to savour the moment when you catch the other half looking at the tanks, somehow makes it feel all the more worthwhile.

This should look great all planted up.

Thanks, yeah it's true but I think my missus secretly loves it lol.
this is looking great Steve, will be interested to see it planted up.

I would skip the Bolbitis Disformis though as its not a true aquatic... it will struggle along ,longer low tech than high tech for some reason, but will slowly die off. Which is a real shame as its a great looking plant!!
this is looking great Steve, will be interested to see it planted up.

I would skip the Bolbitis Disformis though as its not a true aquatic... it will struggle along ,longer low tech than high tech for some reason, but will slowly die off. Which is a real shame as its a great looking plant!!

Thanks Ian in that case I may avoid it, I had no idea, or could use it in the wabi 😉.

ADA, where are you going to put the heat mat? I was toying with the idea of trying to borrow a soil warming cable to provide some heat if I use DSM.

I was just gonna put it under the tank lol.
It's a fair cop! Wasn't sure if you were just going to stand it in the tank as a sort of radiator. But I see you have access below the tank 🙄

Yeah it will sit between the mat and tank, well the goodies are here and I'm off to pick up yoghurt and collect some rain water tomorrow so will take some snaps soon.
Right guys, DSM has started, used RO water, heat mat, fogger (need something wider to house this as it sprays water everywhere), got my misting canister and used RO and moss mixture no yoghurt as I didn't want the smell lol. Here's some pics of equipment and process, any questions let me know. 🙂

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This is gonne be one awesome scape 😀

Love that hardscape!

Nice wood and hardscape!

Thanks very much guys, nice to know the hard work is paying off 🙂.

Looking really great. I love that hardscape. Did I miss what type of wood it is in the thread ?

Thanks, it's manzanita from Tom Barr.

nicely done! Can't wait to see the plants in! Cheers

Thanks very much.