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Starting up a 34L nano tank

I have a boxy tank and found that my fish came out more when I added floating plants. Fish liked the frogbit but it was suffering in the current, getting too squished up so I'm trying water sprite.
I wonder if that is a wood shrimp.
Nearest thing I can see to it in a guide is a “two coloured matano” someone on another site suggested it is a natural coloured Cherry, but it’s massive by comparison - at least 3 times longer than a normal Cherry. Not sure about floating plants as there would be light loss to my other plants. Initially I am going to try to stem the flow from the pump vents as it is quite strong in a Fluval Flex.
Water flow problem possibly solved by cutting a slit in a piece of filter sponge and inserting it over the outlet nozzles from the pump. Water flow now well diffused. Hope I don’t get any oxygen transfer problems now, since changes with tanks seem to have a domino effect on other factors!
Slightly tweaked the hardscape and added another Anubias and a couple of crypts. Fish still being very shy so might introduce a few Endlers to encourage them into the upper layers a bit more.
Very nice scape, Ken! It start to become mature.
Only from an artistic point of view, I would free the fron side from the plants (relocate them, maybe under the root, on the left-back side).
I like the plants in the foreground, they are very slow-growing. The Crypt Wendtii, furthest left, has been in 2 months. I like the way it's turning out but if I'd gone for an Iwagumi-style scape at least I'd get to see my fish and shrimps a bit more!
Update: (if anyone is interested)
Removed Azalea Root to give more clear water and added another Anubias and a Crypt. Only regularly seeing 3 of my 6 Otos and not seen any of my shrimps for a week. After 2 months since introducing the fish the tank still looked like a ghost-town with only the tumbleweed missing.
So I've introduced a dozen Endlers and in the two days they've been in all of the Embers are out and swimming around with them but the Neons still seem a little reluctant.
Are shrimps sensitive to nitrate levels? I test my water weekly and my nitrates are usually between 20 and 40ppm. I endeavour to rectify this with a 35 - 50% water change. Haven't actually tested the tap water for nitrates yet, so that's next on the to-do list. Pleased with how the tank looks now and I've added more bags of bio-media to the central chamber so it's now full to the waterline.
This is the flow in my Fluval Flex since I modded it with a piece of sponge. Also tested my tap-water for nitrates and it's 5ppm which is a contributing factor to the high-ish weekly readings.