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Starting to think fish!


Thread starter
25 Jul 2021
Starting to consider what fish for the new tank though won’t be stocking before the new year. Would love some Apistos but it would seem that they apparently prefer slower moving water, dim lighting and most prefer softer water.

Tank - 700ltrs - L84”
Gh 11-12
Kh-estimated around 12
Ph- 6.4-7.4 (Co2 injected)
Flow - Fairly strong at one end, though calmer at the other
Plenty of plant growth for cover and some floaters but will ultimately not be what I would class as a dimly lit tank.

I believe borellii could deal with the harder water, but how critical is the lighting? Would the darker areas amongst planting and patches of diffused light under floaters be enough to keep them content? Also, are there any other types that might work in this tank?

If so, what numbers/groupings would you recommend?

I’m not looking to breed specifically so the tank would be allowed to produce naturally, or not as the case may be.

I know that folks keep contented fishes in conditions a little outside of what is considered perfect, I’ve done so myself with no ill effects, but never kept these (or any cichlids) before so interested in others personal knowledge/experiences.
Any suggestions for another group? I like chilli ras, another teeny tiny and fairly active fish I believe, but I think they prefer to swim a bit higher up and, by necessity, the flow across the top of the tank is fairly strong, so concerned it may be too much for these little fellas.

Chili's are nice when they are settled and happy but if I had the choice I'd go for the slightly larger ember tetra which can look stunning in a big group. I saw kubotai rasbora mentioned as well which seem another good option and they bring a different colour. Emerald dwarf rasbora are a nice fish but perhaps to similar to the galaxy rasbora (I think I'm right in saying they can interbreed with cpd's).
There would be more choices, even those that like the higher water movement like white cloud mountain minnows, but some of these might out compete the shyer galaxies or boras for food.

I also agree with the others that amano should be fine unless you are really unlucky. It's also good advice to get the more peaceful species settled before introducing the cichlids at the same time.
Chili's are nice when they are settled and happy but if I had the choice I'd go for the slightly larger ember tetra which can look stunning in a big group. I saw kubotai rasbora mentioned as well which seem another good option and they bring a different colour. Emerald dwarf rasbora are a nice fish but perhaps to similar to the galaxy rasbora (I think I'm right in saying they can interbreed with cpd's).
There would be more choices, even those that like the higher water movement like white cloud mountain minnows, but some of these might out compete the shyer galaxies or boras for food.

I also agree with the others that amano should be fine unless you are really unlucky. It's also good advice to get the more peaceful species settled before introducing the cichlids at the same time.

WCCM are very lovely, I particularly like the gold type. Might be pushing it a little on temp parameters. Quite like leopard danios too, and they would like the flow but pretty sure the CPD’s would never get to eat. I’m guessing maybe the WCCM are similarly food hogs.

I’ve recently seen gold ring danios that are apparently a little more chilled but don’t come up for sale too often. They are beauty’s though!

Not so sure about the ember Tetra but may be overly influenced by seeing so many looking washed out in stores. Then again I’ve had cherry barb that were pretty insipid on arrival and gorgeous once they’d coloured up.

Lots to think about. 😊
I’ve recently seen gold ring danios that are apparently a little more chilled but don’t come up for sale too often. They are beauty’s though!
They’re great and stay tiny. They’re good tankmates for cpd’s as they like similar conditions and are no where near as boisterous as the commonly available danios. You could have a massive shoal in your tank.
Wccm seem absolutely fine in 23/24c, probably because have had so many generations of captive breeding. It might not be optimal for them but they don't seem to mind the slightly warmer temperatures. It's a pretty similar case with the danios nowadays.

Gold ringed danios are beautiful fish and I agree with Conort2 again in that they are far less feisty than other danios. They have a subtle beauty that you only really see on close inspection, my kind of fish.

Embers can really sparkle in some peoples tanks but I do think it's a bit of a gamble with getting good stock. I've not ever had them myself for the same reason as you suggest but they are a popular choice for aquascapers and they normally look great. I tend to go for more overlooked species like reed tetra.
They’re great and stay tiny. They’re good tankmates for cpd’s as they like similar conditions and are no where near as boisterous as the commonly available danios. You could have a massive shoal in your tank.

Cool. So maybe that’s my third shoal then. Cardinal Tetra for a bit of bling and CPD and Gold Ring Danio that will take a little more looking for. 👍
Otto’s and Amano as cleaners and some cichlids to cruise the bottom layers.
Maybe a few 🐌.
This is one of the joys of the big tank tbf. 😊
I tend to go for more overlooked species like reed tetra.
And now you come up with another option. 😳😂
Happy to have the suggestions guys. I’ve got a month to go before starting to stock I’ll likely go round in a few circles before then. (I have with everything else on this tank 😂)