Great wabi-kusa 😀
I never saw anything like this before, I was amazed.
Very cool, definitely going to try this myself. I'll do some studying up today I guess. Keep amazing us please! 🙂
Okay so maybe you can help me out with some plant selection. I've got a fish bowl I want to use (easy to cover with foil) and an ordinary desk light I've been using to grow some kitchen herbs. Are there any do's and dont's when it comes to plants? Do you normally use plants that have been growing emersed or submerged? The plants I would order with my normal plant supplier usually grow emersed, so little adapting required I guess. I have some spare akadama lying around which I can use for soil. I've seen the videos on substrate balls, which I could make mixing some akadama with ordinary garden soil. Or I just go with akadama in the bottom of the bowls and nothing else. I don't want to hijack your topic here, so just let me know and I'll open a seperate thread 🙂
So for that last one you did use a substrate ball or something similar? Are there some work-in-progress pics maybe? 🙂
Looking good Roy. Watch out if your fertilising these, I don't think the UG would prefer it too much when emersed.
I do believe Staurogyne Repens will also do well on wood too. Worth a try to see if you can make anything out of that.