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Sponge stuck in lily pipe!

Cut off the bottom of the tube (and sand afterwards with silicon carbide paper, then plug it):

I might do that anyway, it'll make it so much easier to clean in the future.

Come on @Tom Michael, what's the result, who 'won'? 😀
Same principle as clearing a block drain theres 2 or 3 different drain rod heads one pushs the blockage another "screws" in the blockage and water jet slits the blockage. Large wood screw on a wire twist and slowly pull 🙂 water jetted in other end Best of luck
So I’m pleased to announce the sponge in question has been removed! 😁
the winning suggestion came from LondonDragon. Unfortunately I’m not sponsored by Co2 art, so I no duel stage reg prize, however I’m just about to do a big trim and will gladly send you some Hydroctile Verticalata, Vallis and rotala green if interested (DM me address if so)!

thank you everyone else for contributing and fingers crossed i reach 3 pages🤞
Hold on, just re read the posts and I think Paulus also suggested the suction route - so pleased to also offer plants to you if desired - let’s call it joint first place to avoid any arguments 🙏
however I’m just about to do a big trim and will gladly send you some Hydroctile Verticalata, Vallis and rotala green if interested
Many thanks for the offer, not something I am interested in at the moment other than mosses 😉
@GHNelson was after some plants for his younger sibling, he is welcomed to them 😉