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South American plants


25 Apr 2008
I'm sure you have been asked this many times.
I'm trying to gather together some South American plants of any size or shape to plant in a 300 Litre tank.
The water ph is 7.6. Approx KH 7, GH 14. these are about the same values in the tank water.
Lighting consists of two tubes fitted to a juwel Rio 300 litre, light bar. I don't know their wattage but one is brighter than the other and they are about 48 inches long.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to the forum! 😀
Advice #1 is to take the trouble to learn what kind of lighting and what wattage you have over your tank. Everything that happens in your tank will be as a direct or indirect result of the light energy being fed to the tank, so I would want to know what my tank lighting is before even knowing what my water parameters are.

Check this website http://www.tropica.dk/ and look at each plant which is listed aplabetically. The site will give a description and will tell you the origin of each plant.

The next thing to figure out is to determine what the motive is in having only South American plants. Are you attempting a theme tank or is there some other technical reason. By the way, 99% of the plants on the link I provided will not care one way or another what your PH KH or GH is.

Thank you for your help. I had a nose through the plants on your link and I now have a list i can take to an aquarium shop. 🙂
I guess i'm a bit fussy and like things to match. I will be keeping fish from South America in the tank too, but i'm not worried about them eating the plants, they are only doing what comes naturally. 😀