The UC on top of the rock seems so much lighter, is that because of the bladders?
Proximity to the light is currently the best guess.
The relationships that seem to affect leaf colouration are: light intensity, GH and feeding.
In order… you would expect lower amounts of chlorophyll in light abundance. Changing the GH from 1 to 5 and then back to 1, have noticed that tank wide there’s a correlation in UG colour from darker, to lighter, to darker. Final is feeding, as you would expect it greens up with nitrate and phosphate availability when adding in a culture of paramecium to the system.
If you pull some UG out of the substrate you will also find it has long stolons with bladders that run for a fair distance too. In other words, the UG growing semi-emersed doesn’t differ so much from the UG in the substrate. Entirely emersed, the leaves get broader and bushier from what I’ve seen in the terrarium.