Commander Shepard
Decided to share some experimental small builds I've been working on. These are my first attempts at anything similar.

500ml bowl and some rocks I found in a copper mine. Christmas moss, hydrocotyle tripartita mini, a drosera, string of turtles and a fern I found under a bridge on top of fake hygrolon, and loads of duckweed.

Open terrarium with lots of carnivorous plants (drosera, pinguicula, cephalotus and UG), houseplants, and various mosses I wanted to test. It's a new setup, not sure yet what will survive at room humidity. The driftwood with air plants is from my bowl aquarium where it made maintenance too difficult so I redid that scape. Substrate is leca, carbon and store bought carnivorous mix, with lots of springtails.

Standard closed terrarium, 10l or so. Mostly fully terrestrial plants, other than some anubias and buce.

500ml bowl and some rocks I found in a copper mine. Christmas moss, hydrocotyle tripartita mini, a drosera, string of turtles and a fern I found under a bridge on top of fake hygrolon, and loads of duckweed.

Open terrarium with lots of carnivorous plants (drosera, pinguicula, cephalotus and UG), houseplants, and various mosses I wanted to test. It's a new setup, not sure yet what will survive at room humidity. The driftwood with air plants is from my bowl aquarium where it made maintenance too difficult so I redid that scape. Substrate is leca, carbon and store bought carnivorous mix, with lots of springtails.

Standard closed terrarium, 10l or so. Mostly fully terrestrial plants, other than some anubias and buce.