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Some lfs dont know jack!!!!

Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

Hi guys, as you are aware im new to this game, ive also just realised ive been sold a non aquatic plant a purple and green thing which is now floating at the surface so i defo will not be going back to that store....i new all along they were at it. It just didnt feel right, its like she was trying to get one over me.

The other thing sorry for being dumb but what is NPK and what is it used for?

The plant section in the shop i went to was a disgrace, the dirtiest tank ever and plant quality was yellow, i thought id buy cos they just had a delivery and the plants were fresh and not added to their nasty tanks.....how wrong was i when i found out it aint even an aquatic plant. The other shops i went to who also had eco complete said its "bloody fantastic stuff" when asked a few more details they didnt have much to say and were looking for a way out. Anyway i never thought i would receive such a response Thanks guys.

PS: if this eco complete stuff is good should i just go and buy it??? I trust you guys now!!! Im just not sure of the process as my tank has been cycled only a month and i would need to remove gravel + fish after adding everything back can i add fish straight away or would i need to wait, just wondering cause i dont have another tank? Thank you.
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

When I went to my LFS I worked at, they had a new delivery of plants in. Still in the box so I read the list of contents:-
Eleocharis vivipara
Blyxa japonica ...
... Blyxa!!! So I said to the guy can he open the box for me and he was so stroppy. Do you know whay it looks like?? Yes, thank you very much! Managed to get a bunch for £1.40. I wanted a little bit after mine kinda died. The bloke said "oh I have to read a book about plants for the job (he's new) but it makes me fall asleep". I suggested PFK as a great source of info, loads of great articles about plants.

None of them read it there, I just wish they would actually care about their job and not rely ok books. Such an old media! I mean at least try PFK, but no. Don't even mention internet.

OOOH I tell you what they did say about pfk, "oh they came to check us out, I didn't see the write up. I didn't like the bloke much". This LFS is in the top 20 based in Wiltshire. Lol lol lol.

PS I don't think it gets said enough how hard George works writing all these great articles for PFK. I love them. Hear hear for George and his new protegee Tom!
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

George Farmer said:
milla said:

No i ain't joking , thay are proper old school.
Interesting. Should make a good PFK blog. Do you mind if I use your example of being banned from buying fish because you add NP?

Thankfully my LFS are more open-minded...

Blog away George.
Could be interesting to see how the modern approaches to ferts and high tech planted tanks are perceived by PFK readers and LFS's around the country.
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

milla said:
George Farmer said:
milla said:

No i ain't joking , thay are proper old school.
Interesting. Should make a good PFK blog. Do you mind if I use your example of being banned from buying fish because you add NP?

Thankfully my LFS are more open-minded...

Blog away George.
Could be interesting to see how the modern approaches to ferts and high tech planted tanks are perceived by PFK readers and LFS's around the country.

I was in my LFS last night buying shrimp. Got talking to the girl about planted tanks, turns out shes a big fan. she showed me a little display tank that shed set up, was really nice work although alot of it was melting due to no ferts. I was talking to her about maybe putting in some TPN+ and asked if they stocked it.. the manager (who seemed quite.. well.. arrogant) told me their other shop sold it, but not him.. we then had a small 'discussion' about the water wheel type filter she had on it and the loss of any co2 (which was being added).. but we agreed to differ!

what it showed me is that there are people in these places that want to know and are trying hard, despite some of the weirdo's that run the places! I gave her the URL for here, hope she joins up she has huge potential!
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

tko187 said:
Hi guys, as you are aware im new to this game, ive also just realised ive been sold a non aquatic plant a purple and green thing which is now floating at the surface so i defo will not be going back to that store....i new all along they were at it. It just didnt feel right, its like she was trying to get one over me.

Can't blame the shop for this. Most shops will get a stock list and most will not know which are true aquatics and which are short term display/marsh plants so they assume they are all for the aquarium long-term.

The Dracena you are talking about is widely sold as aquatic and is used in many tanks for short term displays like photo shoots but not by people in the know that are setting up a longer term scape.

NPK = N-Nitrate, P-Phosphate, K-Potassium. the chemical systems. These are the main nutrients that a plant uses along with C-Carbon(CO2 etc) and trace elements (metals mainly)

Eco Complete is as the title says. It is a complete substrate so it doesn't need gravel/sand on top. Still put mulm underneath it (rinse the filter media in the filter water and then empty the contents of a dirty filter into the tank whilst it is empty, water and all) then chuck the eco complete on top to your desired level then scape away. As easy as that.

Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

I've found that up around the Calderdale area of West Yorkshire that I have different shops for different things.

The one in Sowerby Bridge (Caldervalley Aquatics) is really good for nipping for smaller items, food, meds and they do get a wide variety of fish.
The one outside Keighley (Fish People) is really small and they're very helpful but didn't stock many items but found their fish conditions to be one of the best I've seen.
Then there's a place in Huddersfield which is better for equipment as they've got a large shop near the Galpharm.

Each one has its own area of expertise and I'm sure if I mentioned adding NPK in some of them then I'd be thrown out. I usually tell the truth but most aren't really into the "planted" scene.

Its one of the reasons why I tend to buy online more.
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

You know its amazing, some of these places are big aquatic stores that have been around for years. They are doing somthing write then, but i have found that sometimes the market they are catering to are the new and not so clued up, not the specialist or the adanced hobbyist.

I went to one a few months ago in Surrey near my aunty (wont name it). I asked the owner if he had PFK and he stated that 'No, Those magazines are a waste of money and filled with a load of rubbish'. I was looking for some T5 lights in a spectrum they did not have and one of the assistants told me to use nail varnish on the tubes they sold. Hmmm.
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

I was looking for some T5 lights in a spectrum they did not have and one of the assistants told me to use nail varnish on the tubes they sold. Hmmm.

This goes to prove how different people's opinions actually are. lol

she was wrong to tell you to paint them with nail varnish to change their CRI. lol What she should've said is that the CRI only matters to your own eyes and not to the plants.

Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

I must be in a lucky area, my lfs, m/a in crowland is fantastic. I'm there at least once a week stocking up on bits and pieces, I only ever deal with one person though, I've dealt with him for the last year and by doing that you get a good rapor going. It's great to go back and not have to explain your whole tank situation each time!! He knows what fish/plants/equipment and tanks I have because he sold them to me! Also he's the reason I'm with ukaps because he's a member and recommened to me. It's true that certain staff have specific interests and knowledge, and thankfuly this staff member is an expert on aquatic plants!!!
If anyone lives in Lincolnshire/cambs then you really must see Kevan at m/a! 😀
Hopefully he'll read this and I might finally achieve a discount! 😉
Seriously though, if you're lucky enough to be served by a staff member that actualy knows what they're talking about then stick with them!
Re: lfs dont know jack!!!!

spaldingaquatics said:
I must be in a lucky area, my lfs, m/a in crowland is fantastic. I'm there at least once a week stocking up on bits and pieces, I only ever deal with one person though, I've dealt with him for the last year and by doing that you get a good rapor going. It's great to go back and not have to explain your whole tank situation each time!! He knows what fish/plants/equipment and tanks I have because he sold them to me! Also he's the reason I'm with ukaps because he's a member and recommened to me. It's true that certain staff have specific interests and knowledge, and thankfuly this staff member is an expert on aquatic plants!!!
If anyone lives in Lincolnshire/cambs then you really must see Kevan at m/a! 😀
Hopefully he'll read this and I might finally achieve a discount! 😉
Seriously though, if you're lucky enough to be served by a staff member that actualy knows what they're talking about then stick with them!

I'm surpised we haven't bumped into each other yet at MA Crowland. I'm always in there, and Kevan really does know his fish. 😀 , and plants. 😉
We probably have mate 😀

You'll know how busy it gets then with those garden centre shoppers popping in to have a look at the 'pretty fish'! :|

What do you think to his tank at the back of the shop, just past the angel and clown loach setup? I've been trying to copy it! and managed to get a few cuttings from it to help! 😉
Have to say though somebody at MA Crowland has mislabelled some of their Rainbowfish. I have mentioned it once, BUT they are selling the same fish in three tanks as different species and none of them are the correct species.

They are selling what is Melanotaenia Splendida australis as M.Maccullochi, and two other species.

I know rainbowfish can be difficult to label, but this is one that is reasonably easy and although the fish are different sizes in the three tanks, they are exactly the same patterning.
What do you think to his tank at the back of the shop, just past the angel and clown loach setup? I've been trying to copy it! and managed to get a few cuttings from it to help!

The Rena aquarium (350 litre), i have the same model aquarium, although will be seeling it in the next xouple of months. That planted set up was looking pretty nice the last time i saw it. They used to have it setup as semi-terrestrial but not my thing. Still it was good to give people an idea of what they could do intead of just conventional set ups.
Yes that tank is coming on very well, but haven't been in for a couple of weeks, as i keep spending too much money. Did you see the Eustralis Stellata mother plants in that tank, these came from my tank not soo long ago but i wanted to minimise on background plants. But i do like HC foreground. 😀
TDI-line said:
Yes that tank is coming on very well, but haven't been in for a couple of weeks, as i keep spending too much money. Did you see the Eustralis Stellata mother plants in that tank, these came from my tank not soo long ago but i wanted to minimise on background plants. But i do like HC foreground. 😀

It's looking really good now, fast growing tank, everytime I'm in there Kevan's cutting and sorting.

Hope you got a good price for the mother plants! 😉