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Soft water 35cm cube stocking


New Member
18 Mar 2025
United Kingdom

I am looking to change my current nano reef tank to a freshwater tank. I have previously kept freshwater and feel this sized tank would be better as a freshwater tank than salt.

The inside display tank dimensions are roughly 35cmX27cmX30cm (length x width x height). 35x35x35cm including the AIO chamber.

I have already started the set up of the tank, after a very deep clean, using wio substrate, titan rocks and corbo wood. So everything except the plants is very dark nearly black in colour.

The tank is filled with RO/DI water alongside peat. So has tannins and is a very low ph currently.

It will be planted with marsilea, some crypts, narrow and trident java ferns, alongside buce and likely some anubias.

I am not 100% on what I am going to stock this tank with. I am thinking maybe
Scarlet or tiger Dario, sparkling gourami, neon red blue eye rainbowfish. However, I also don't know whether to do any kind of apistogramma instead of the Dario, or a wild betta instead of the sparkling gourami, or maybe spotted instead of neon. Maybe even some licorice gourami as the tank will be suitable for them as well.

Kind of lost on where to take this now, except this is set up similar to how I previously bred licorice gourami.

Any opinions or ideas appreciated, many thanks.
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS,

It doesn't really have a enough basal area for Apistogramma.

Next question is to you have live food available to you?

cheers Darrel

Thanks for the reply. I didn't think there was, which was why I wasn't originally looking at them, guess apistogramma will have to be the 177cm tank instead. Really did think it would be a push even for a single male.

Yes, I regularly get live food for my marine tank and African tank, alongside another planted tank in the house. I also hatch baby brine shrimp.
Hi all,
Kind of lost on where to take this now, except this is set up similar to how I previously bred licorice gourami.
Yes, I regularly get live food for my marine tank and African tank, alongside another planted tank in the house. I also hatch baby brine shrimp.
Perfect. The main problem with some of the fish may be obtaining them, Parosphromenus "Bintan"? might be obtainable. Personally? Might try a pair of a small Betta spp.? Of the coccina complex?

Do you have "structural leaf litter"? We have a thread <"Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals">.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

Perfect. The main problem with some of the fish may be obtaining them, Parosphromenus "Bintan"? might be obtainable. Personally? Might try a pair of a small Betta spp.? Of the coccina complex?

Do you have "structural leaf litter"? We have a thread <"Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals">.

cheers Darrel
Hi, thanks.

There is a few apparently available, I know if it is p. deissneri then it will not be p. deissneri and likely be sp. Bintan or otherwise. There is some fire red available, whatever their actual name is. And some p. Anjunganensis apparently as well.

It seems more difficult to try and locate some of the smaller betta, than the licorice gourami. I have previously had smaragdina, and there is another male dor sale.

I have some catappa leaves and cobra leaves, and I will likely do an order of some other various botanicals. I think I have some banana leaves and a Buddha nut as well. And I will likely be doing an order of more for the 6ft.

Hi all,

Perfect. The main problem with some of the fish may be obtaining them, Parosphromenus "Bintan"? might be obtainable. Personally? Might try a pair of a small Betta spp.? Of the coccina complex?

Do you have "structural leaf litter"? We have a thread <"Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals">.

cheers Darrel
My suggestion would be a wild Betta too. A pair of channoides or albamarginata would also be a good fit and are quite easy to breed. Mine hold all the time but are in with tetras so no fry survive.
My suggestion would be a wild Betta too. A pair of channoides or albamarginata would also be a good fit and are quite easy to breed. Mine hold all the time but are in with tetras so no fry survive.
Ooo. I've kept channoides before, loved that pair. They are going on the possible nest.

I have a bit of wood in there with a little tucked away cave like the one my previous loved.

Thanks for the reply