Matt Holbrook-Bull said:
Interesting your thoughts on dosing effecting shrimp.. Id be very surprised if it was the dosing on a normal EI schedule effecting them as masses of people run shrimp in heavily dosed tanks very well.. even Mr ADA himself!
Sorry for the late reply, but I rarely come on here these days.
As to the dosing, I never said I was dosing EI, I was dosing TPN+ when I lost the shrimp, and it effected my cherry shrimp as well, making them lethargic and shy (a classic sign of copper poisoning. However I can happily link at least 1 article by another shrimp keeper who stopped dosing CSM+B (I believe this is the trace mix used in EI) as he was getting signs of copper poisoning in his shrimp, and upon stopping the dosing this stopped, and as soon as I reduced my dosing back down lower the the amounts recommended on here, my cherry shrimp recovered, it was too late for my macrobrachium lanchesteri however, these been a much more sensitive species than Amano or cherry shrimp.
As to Takashi Amano having no problems with EI dosing and his shrimp, I was not aware that Takashi Amano used EI dosing, the books and articles I have read by him (I have a TFH digital subscription) suggest quite the contrary, and the levels he doses traces at are a fair bit lower than those espoused on here.
PS. I forgot to mention, I stopped using TPN+ a couple of months back now, and now dose using Pro-Fito, Nitro and Fosfo from Easy Life, using a dosing schedule loosely based around the Redfied ratio. My plants are still growing great, only now I have no potassium deficiency and my shrimp are much happier.