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Simple Shrimp Tank


18 Apr 2012
I've replanted my Fluval Ebi after numerous issues on the previous setup, so thought I'd stick a journal up to keep track of it.

Fluval Ebi tank, running a JBL e700 with ETH200 in line.

Using Fluval stratum for substrate, which is ok now it's matured, but I had massive problems with filamentous algae before, which a lot of people with new stratum seem to run into - coincidence or link?

Anyways, I've covered it in Eleocharis acicularis sp. mini - brand new 1-2-Grow at the front, and some mature at the rear (thanks Ady!). Just need to wait for it to spread out and carpet now.

The two meshes on the rear wall are filled with fissidens, the idea being that in time (lots and lots of time) they will fill out to be two "floating" platforms of fissidens.

Current inhabitants are 3 sakura shrimp, and 4 galaxy rasboras.

Looking good I really like the idea with the mesh and Fissidens 🙂

How are you finding the Fluval stratum ? Ive just bought some for the bargin price of 99p 🙂
Does that go for galaxies too Ian? I'm a bit ignorant on fish!

I really like the stratum, but be warned that algae issue I mentioned seems to be a theme of a few online threads.
Right, well they're getting evicted into my Trigon this evening then, especially since I was going to add some new sakura in the near future!

Thanks Iain.
Using Fluval stratum for substrate, which is ok now it's matured, but I had massive problems with filamentous algae before, which a lot of people with new stratum seem to run into - coincidence or link?
I used Fluval stratum and when setting up had no algae issues at all, so most likely something else in your case.