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Is there anything concrete we can do to measure "water quality" for shrimps (or some fish, like Chocolate Gourami for example) or any rules of thumb? Is it water changes? RO? Or just having a long established tank? Or do we just blame the water when shrimps get sick because we can't see them get ill like fish?
Well basically the water really. They are much more prone to heavy metal toxicity, temperature changes and ammonia and other NH compound. 4 degree changes in the temperature might be alright for some fish and might even trigger spawning. Do the same for CRS and some will literally die in front of you. So in the end of the day the bigger the tank the more stable the ecosystem in the tank and the less casualty you will see.
I've dosed excel in 5 times the recommended dose for 2 week + and haven't seen any shrimp dying. Occasional spike in ammonia would have easily cause the shrimp to die.