Sorry lads, work is mad, throw in a couple of kids for good measure, oh......and also been a tad little distracted with someone pursueding me with some KK's and Ruby's to go with my Taiwans. That's my problem, not finished one project before I'm investigating the next!!
Anyway's, not a great deal to report on the rack really sorry. I've moved about 80 odd Taiwans into the 'good' 60l tank on the rack from the original low tech planted moss / Rotala tank and I'm allowing the 3 restart tanks plenty of time to mature. Transfer shrimp are growing quickly and moulting regular, so at the moment they seem to be happt in their new home.
Having suffered shrimp kills in the past, I'm little ocd with shrimp and the latest loss from bad gravel is really not helping!! The 3 disaster tanks that had the dodgy gravel have now all been stripped back, totally drained, filter sponges ditched, glass cleaned, dried and cleaned again.Not taking any chances with copper traces. If it was in the bad tanks it's now in the bin! I've decided to replace the substrate in these 3 tanks with Ebi Gold, rather than inert gravel....will explain reasoning for this again. These 3 new restart tanks will run in for plenty, plenty of time to make sure all is mature and ready. As usual, I've not gone for the many hocus pocus powders, lotions, med's etc to seed the tanks. Just good old fashion time, backed up with a nice spread of mature leaf litter and moss. I'm hoping to introduce the next batch of shrimp mid April to these tanks. In the mean time, this is how they look:-
'Happy' Mixed Taiwan Shrimp Tank:-
New Tanks......getting ready for new shrimp:-
Bit of a handfull this shrimp keeping!! I should have kept to Tetra'a, Cory's and fly fishing!