Most people make the same assumption about a Terrier, so it's normal and the Podengo Pequeno is not that well known outside of Portugal, they are bred for hunting and the smaller version are for hunting rabbits, descendants from the pharaohs hound.Thank you too! Learnd something again... I thought i knew the Pedengo but obviously only knew the larger size.
Never seen a Podengo Pequeno before didn't know they excisted. And indeed the size and the wire coat and in the UK the last thing one would expect they are Portugese Podengos pequenos. They look mistakenly similar to a terrier breed also the smooth coat one could go through for a terrier. 🙂
Actually always thought that the Wipphet and the Italian Greyhound were the smallest hound breeds and they never were my favorite. I guess today i found my favorite small hound breed the Podengo Pequeno. 😍
I actually had Pixie run with two Italian Greyhounds in the park when she was younger and the owners of the Greyhounds were amazed she could keep up with them (she is slow now at 14 😉), she was really fast and both loved chasing squirrels.
That Halloween photo is epic haha my rock stars 🙂 If I do ever get another dog they will be Podengos for sure 😉