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Show your Bucephalandra's

I have some wood extruding from the water surface and I’m contemplating having Bucephalandra growing from the waterline. If I have the roots and rhizome below the water surface, will that prevent the plant from drying up due to a lack of humidity?
Should be ok, I’d mist daily though just in case, maybe with a little RO water to prevent hard water marks on leaves
My tanks are covered so I don’t mist buce that break the surface and they are fine
I have some wood extruding from the water surface and I’m contemplating having Bucephalandra growing from the waterline. If I have the roots and rhizome below the water surface, will that prevent the plant from drying up due to a lack of humidity?

I've been toying with this recently too, I use cling film; but have quickly chickened out when removing it for extended periods lol.

I've seen buce grown without covers in the manner you've described on Instagram, so it likely is doable but maybe risky, not sure
I think if they're allowed to grow out above the water surface and transition naturally it will work.
Otherwise chances are they'll start to look a bit worse for wear.
Haha, goodness knows 🙂
It's suffered a bit over the last month or so through my various failed attempts at scapes, so not worth very much atm. I've split it up and I'm hoping the individual plants will start to grow again soon, algae free. If they do I'll send you some 😉
I bought some Tissue Culture Braun-Rot last year.


Kept it in that container with another tub loosely clingfilmed over the top and occasionally topped up with tank water.


Kept it like that for a whole year under the Aquarays (swapped to sellotape recently to keep the tubs together). It looks like this now.


The Agar gel has been liquified as time went on, I had to make up some ferts for it with a fungicide (Waterlife Protozin) to stop mold obliterating it (happened to my mini needle leaf I kept the same way, couldn’t save it).

I add a Bucephalandra to some big wood, with the rhizome and roots below the water level. Seems ok so far, leaves are drying out so I imagine the lack of humidity won’t be a problem unless they were planted Turkey emersed. But it’s still early days.


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I’ve had this Bucephalandra for a year and neglected it a lot. I bought it nursery grown called sp. ‘Godzilla’. It seems to me to be very similar to Tropica‘s sp. ‘Kedagang’. The older leaves turn a deep blue while new leaves are pink to peach. Amazingly I’ve noticed some new variegated leaves on different rhizomes! If the mutation is stable, I might be able to fund a growing collection!8C009AF4-97AB-4E5A-B71C-187B7D1D0D91.pngC948AA64-C142-41A7-AFC7-C859A6A4B736.jpeg