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Show Us Your Rare And Odd Fish!

I used to own a batfish - freshwater thing from China. I think they are now banned because they could survive in British streams and rivers. Mine unfortunately got taken down by a crazy rainbow shark. It was a seriously cool fish though. Here's a photo of one I found on the web:

Yeah, it was back in the early 90s that I bought this fish and LFS practices maybe weren't up to the standards of today - "Sure, in the wild it gets quite big, but it will only grow to suit the tank - don't worry - everything will be fine - buy five and I'll give you a discount!"
I've been on a mission in the last couple of weeks to stock my tanks with some lesser seen fish. I'm quite pleased with the results, having recently aquired:

micropoecilia picta 'red'
neoheterandria elegans
epiplatys dageti monroviae

Hoping to breed the first two, but do not have enough time to concentrate on the dageti's at the moment (hopefully they will spawn and a few fry will survive in the comuunity tank they are in).

No pics as I do not own a camera (and phone camera does not do them justice).
Thanks, I've got 3 females and 2 males so a nice size group. Just hope they settle OK.

I still love guppies (and endlers) too!

I am clearing out my wild line of endlers (post will be going up in the sale section soon) so that I can concentrate on other tanks. Shame to see them go as they show no hybrid traits at all (unlike all the retail ones).

Maybe you would like the heterandria formosa, as they do not look like other livebearers (I've had them in the past so I think that qualifies them for discussion in this thread 😉 ). The super foetation aspect is the same as the elegans - they basically drop a fry every couple of days rather than the whole batch at once. Good for nanos as they are happy in small bodies of water.
Nice fish guys, love the batfish but WOW it gets big.

Great livebearers, havent seen them for sale anywhere!
Love the Kili's too 😀

I love Keyhole ciclids - they are really nice fish to keep. But, a little bit lame. They are kind of the "walter the softy" of the aquatic world.
Skatersav said:
I love Keyhole ciclids - they are really nice fish to keep. But, a little bit lame. They are kind of the "walter the softy" of the aquatic world.
Lol they were a very peaceful fish. If you want a challenge try the jewels they were positively psychotic :twisted:
A bit late, but thanks for the comments George.

Thanks Darren yeah that’s me. You may like this species its Boraras naevus, they were scientifically described last year. Guess they are still rare enough. They are quite different from other boraras sp in that the males and females are quite different looking.

Cheers Ollie yeah I think those ones are the best, (the insects), hardest to do though. Really like your knife fish.
Boraras naevus (4) by Peter M4, on Flickr

Boraras naevus (2) by Peter M4, on Flickr
i am a sucker for most small fish 🙂 those b. naevus look lovely, its good that they sorted out the micros / species confusion.