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Show us your propagator

Here they are...

Left to right: S. Repens, Hydrocotyle sp. Japan, HC


Left to right: Lilaeopsis Mauritiana, E. T Tenellus, Eleocharis parvula (and a bit of Crypt. Parva)

The befores where taken 2nd July, the afters today (18th). Wish the plants in my tank grew that well!
On post 19 it is Java moss. The log on post 9 is covered with another one. Not sure what it is. It looks like Java moss but is thicker and grows a bit downwards.

Oh go on then here's my effort well lack of, the back birds keep digging it all up.😀 eruge8y8.jpgu9a7e8ev.jpg
Looking at all of yours, I have been inspired to go into the garden and clean the one up I got from a carboot for 2squid!!!. Here it is cleaned up. I started our lettuce peas and beans off in it earlier in the year. I'vea2aty3at.jpg yet to test the heating of it.
My way of propagating moss, any moss, is to chop it up, drop it in some tank water, put some kitchen foil over the top, and give it a semi-shady spot on the window sill; works a treat (when dry-starting moss, this is the perfect way to prestart it about 4-6 weeks, and then just add some blobs to wood and stone; I'll update Crimson Projekct soon to show the results from about 3 weeks of DSM with "prestarted" moss).
Restarted my propagators today...

Micranthemum sp. "Monte Carlo"

Micranthemum Umbrosum & Micranthemum Micranthemoides

Rotala Rotundifolia & Rotala Rotundifolia sp. Green

Let's see how this round goes... I hope as well as the previous one, cause I will be needing quite a bit of the MC and RR for rescapes in September. 😉

(sorry 'bout the crappy phone pics)
Hi Michael, Xmas moss on most of the wood with some fissidens on two bits, fissidens struggles and on the rocks is anchor moss this stuff does really well emersed ime.
I think fissidens is a true aquatic Tim and will do better if kept fairly wet
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Whoops!!!!! Left mine out in the sun and they have boiled away 😀
2ymysu4y.jpg I will start again but in the shade 😀 the hair grass is the only survivor.
growing plants has never been so easy. So I have a load of baby tears, now what's the best method of introducing them back into the tank? Do you let them grow to to a nice height or is better to plant while they're still a couple of inchs in size?

next step will be to try rescuing the lugwiga sp.
Hello everyone!
Inspired by you all I also decided to set up a propagator to grow some HC for what is to become my first proper aquascape. It's been a week and I'm already beginning to see positive signs of growth.

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