How about some taiwans? Here is my 60P treasury 😀
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Feeding them... Amanos just there to start the party 😀
ps: i never thought i will have something which is more expensive then an ADA set with glass stand Solar and a GHL Profilux 🙂 Over 100 Taiwans there in this 60P tank.
Lovely shrimp, you must be accordingly proud. I'm moving to bolts in the near future and hope to have some red TB in the aftermath 🙂 well done - it's not easy keeping shrimp of that fragility in such good conditions.
Do you use any specific water treatments? I ask simply because since I started using a Tantora water treatment my tank literally exploded into life and the baby shrimps are not only growing very quickly but are also very active and healthy looking. I've likely jinxed it now but it does strike as a bit of a co-incidence that the timing of the treatment and activity of the shrimp were not linked in some way..
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