Well, on good advice from here I did put a full length spraybar along the back wal,l and that made a big difference to the co2 distribution and I have three circ pumps along the back.............maybe overkill but it made me feel happier about my flow and distribution.
In reality you should be looking at the spraybar pointing directly in a straight line across the aquarium so that it hits the opposite wall, travels down and then across the bottom and back up again in a circular motion. Having a ripple means that you should be able to add more co2 without gassing the fish,as the ripple enables more gas exchange.
As far as lighting goes, I could have carried on ok with the Juwel lights, it is just easier for me to be able to physically turn one strip of lights off, but I just wanted the led really. If you keep one of the lights blocked until you get co2,flow and distribution sorted, then the Juwel lights will be fine and you may even find that having one light blocked off is ideral for your situation.