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Shenzhen stream keeps surprising me

28 May 2013
Went to Wutong mountain just outside Shenzhen and I always see these fish but were never able to see what kind they are, I even tried to catch some, without success, when I realized I had a watertight cover on my phone.
Now look at this. .......Aren't those (Xiphophorus helleri) home in central american waters? I guess they got released or escaped years ago, cause you can find them in the whole stream.
I have to say, they look beautiful and I will probably go back to get me some for my tank.
It's not the best video, I was kinda exited to be able to do this. The water was also a bit blurred after I tried to catch them, usually it is a lot clearer.
Maybe also nice to know that the water temp. was 30 degrees Celsius and I measured TDS which was 30.2...but in winter it's a different story the temperature can drop here to 5 degrees, the water temp. could stay higher though.
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Wow, that is unexpected.....I know Gambusia has been used for malaria prevention and is now wide spread across the globe, but swordtail....might be just a negligence from a fish farm...
Went to Wutong mountain just outside Shenzhen and I always see these fish but were never able to see what kind they are, I even tried to catch some, without success, when I realized I had a watertight cover on my phone.
Now look at this. .......Aren't those (Xiphophorus helleri) home in central american waters? I guess they got released or escaped years ago, cause you can find them in the whole stream.
I have to say, they look beautiful and I will probably go back to get me some for my tank.
It's not the best video, I was kinda exited to be able to do this. The water was also a bit blurred after I tried to catch them, usually it is a lot clearer.
Maybe also nice to know that the water temp. was 30 degrees Celsius and I measured TDS which was 30.2...but in winter it's a different story the temperature can drop here to 5 degrees, the water temp. could stay higher though.

That's pretty awesome...I cut my aquatic teeth on members of that genus...so to speak...and they always remain a firm favorite of mine. It's a shame we don't see them gracing more planted tanks. Fantastic to see them in the wild like that, even tho' they're obviously aliens there in Wutong.
This is what Wikipedia has to say about the genus, and aside from their use in genetic studies (as Martin mentions), it explains they are supremely adaptable that's why they can perhaps overwinter at 5 degrees.

'...several species are commonly kept by aquarium hobbyists, especially X. helleri, X. maculatus and X. variatus. In fact, these are a key category in fishkeeping, a group of extremely hardy livebearing fish, along with the molly and guppy, that adapt to almost any water conditions, from cold to tropical, freshwater to fully marine.'
Seriously Fish about Xiphophorus helleri:

Temperature: 68-82°F (20-28°C)
pH: 7.0-8.0
Hardness: 10-30 dH

Very easy if soft, acidic water conditions are avoided.

Mollies and guppies are notorious for being hard water lovers. I was reading once about guppies that the reason for them preferring hard water is because somewhere in Asia, where they were bred on a mass scale, the ponds that they kept them in were aligned with some sort of rock/stuff that brought the GH very high and after generations being bred like that they started being quite the hard water fish. But maybe wild ones are different and more adaptable.
Went back and got a few more Swordtails, now there are 7 in a tank that's to small for them....I'm not sure if I would transfer them into my 300 liter tank, I'm a bit scared that it will be to busy, not the fish load but the overall look. In the 300 liter tank are some 40 Cardinals, 7 Columbian red fins, 9 Otos, 3 Sae. Would you put the Swordtails in with that bunch?

This female looks nice though....
tank that's to small for them
If you improve the filtration they will be perfectly happy and you wont need to rehouse them, you can do large waterchanges too if you don't have/want extra filters.