My most recent tank is a 60w x 60d x 37h cm - lush! It's definately the easiest tank I've ever scaped. It has huge potential for emergent plants or hardscape. I think it's quite restrictive on stem plants though-they would look a bit strange due to the lack of height, and they do tend to grow along the surface rather then emerge. This would mean that a jungle style tank would I think be chaotic rather than a purposeful style, Dutch I think would not work, and the 'traditional' style tall background plants with carpet would be difficult to pull off. However-can you imagine an iwagumi with the rocks breaking the surface-it would just introduce another dimension. The tank was quite easy on the purse strings too - £138 a while back. Of course, the cash saved there was spend on more substrate and planting
😀. Presents fantastic photographic opportunities for the professionals amongst us. However, having said that, it presents a massive challenge for, shall I say, those whose photography skills can be put into the 'special' category

-I've been trying to get some decent pics of my tank now it's planted (journal update imminent!), and it's just not happening. I'm finding the exposure isn't right and camera is unable to bring everything into focus

. This is definately the most interesting size tank I've ever had I think - simply because there is so much area, that every time you look at it, you see something new somewhere. Is it the way forward? I think it may evolve another style of aquascaping, that's for sure.