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Seven day BGA black out or let the plants do the work?


9 Nov 2022
I am gradually getting to grips with BGA in two tanks through control of light, water changes and other adjustments ongoing, and I'm starting to see some healthy plant growth. I have a week away next week and the option of a 7 day black-out to perhaps completely knock the BGA on the head. Is this worth it given it will also set my plants back?
Hi all,

I'll be honest I'm not a black-out fan, I'd always trade healthy plant growth for everything else.

cheers Darrel

Darrel, I never really understood the philosophy behind the black-out myself (and never tried it). When I read about it, it always makes me wonder why it might work in some cases; I suppose the assumption is that the algae will die off before the plants? A much better approach, of course, is to strengthen the plants and enable them to fend off and outcompete the algae.

Hi all,
When I read about it, it always makes me wonder why it might work in some cases; I suppose the assumption is that the algae will die off before the plants?
I think that is the idea <"Black-out treatment - | Aquasabi">.
A much better approach, of course, is to strengthen the plants and enable them to fend off and outcompete the algae.
That is where I'm coming from, basically concentrate on plant health. It is <"back to the coffee, not the froth"> argument.

I've already typed this so I'll leave it in, but what @Andy Pierce says
Since you're going away, say you do the blackout and that kills all the algae - now you have a big pile of dead algae sitting in your tank for a week before you can change that water out. I might prefer having the live algae.
Because we think that cyanobacteria "outbreaks" might be correlated with both <"high levels of organic matter">, and low oxygen levels, a black out makes even less sense in the long run, because it will increase decaying organic matter and decrease dissolved oxygen levels.

cheers Darrel