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Setting up a temporary tank


10 Aug 2014
Hello, I have a 180 litre planted tank with fish (you can see here: http://www.ukaps.org/forum/attachments/update-jpg.80456/)

I now need to re-carpet the room that this tank is in and I'm trying to think of the best way of moving the tank. I plan on doing a re-scape on the main tank while I'm at it.
My thoughts were to setup a temporary tank for a few months, I have a 60 litre that I can use. I thought that I could setup a temporary tank, move the fish across, carpet the room, setup new tank until its cycled and then move the fish back in.

My question is that if I take the water from the current tank, combined with some gravel, filter media and some plants over to the temporary tank. Would this temporary tank need to be cycled again?
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In short, yes.
the majority of the bacteria are in the substrate and the filter.
HOWEVER, be careful as you will be disturbing the substrate in the move which may cause you problems. Keep on top of the water changes on the 60 litre tank.

would have thought that a filter capable of doing a 180 litre tank (maybe you have two?) - would easily manage a 60 litre and you might not need to move the substrate too.
Thanks for the reply. I have a Tetratec ex1200 filter on the 180 litre, I was going to buy a smaller ex600 for the 60 tank and fill with media from the current tank.

As I thought the ex1200 would make too much of a current/flow in the 60? Also having 2 filters / tanks running simultaneously would give me time to make sure the 60 is cycled and take my time to move the fish over. Don't want to be rushing it all in one day.
Just swap filter media over from your ex1200 & you're pretty much good to go in terms of N-cylcle so fish etc should be happy enough, I still always suggest 25% daily water changes during the first week just in case but you can also just monitor if that's more your game 🙂

Move 50% water over if convenient though if your tank & tap parameters are well matched you can just transfer fish over - if you have very sensitive fish or shrimp, then transferring more aged water is better; also get 60l up & running with some media from ex1200 for a few days before.
Take a mixture of all media types from the established filter.

If you think of a tank cycle in terms of the complex microflora & fauna that are in established tanks, then only time will get the 60 to that state.

The remaining media in the ex1200 should just be rinsed free of debris, then stored damp, cool, dark in the ex1200 - just leave a couple cm's water in the filter bottom (level just below first media basket), add the top & just leave the inlet/outlet open to air, store in tank cabinet etc
When the 180 is rescaped, get ex1200 filter going & tank should "cycle" in a few days re N-cycle - you can add (small amount) daily fish food to check this.