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Schruz's Works - Wabi Kusa, Emersed setups, Planted tanks

Re: Schruz's Works

I had a chance to make some photos from these amazing wabis.
Some of them will be displayed in our showroom, meanwhile we gave Schruz (Andras) some new plate to work on 😀

Enjoy :angel:

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr

Wabi Kusa Photo Session by viktorlantos, on Flickr
Re: Schruz's Works

Very impressive.
I have to say im not into wabis myself, i like the fish too much, but these are absolutely top notch. I love the bow fronted set up, and the photography is superb too.
Really good stuff.
Re: Schruz's Works

I would love to see a step by step tutorial on how to create something this amazing 😀

Awesome work on both the Wabi's and the photography :thumbup:
Re: Schruz's Works

Stunning, stunning, stunning! I love wabi kusa and you are mastering it!
Re: Schruz's Works

OK guys Im very sorry for not thanking you the warm remarks for so long. I'm writing my thesis and preparing for my end of program comprehensive exams at the uni so recently I had no time to update my journals.

Anyways thank you guys very much! As Viktor hinted, we made a little deal. I make wabis and when bored of them give it to the GreenAqua guys to display it in their shop. In return they provide me with free quality ADA material to build new ones.

Check out my Flickr page for older photos so you can compare then and now status of the new Wabis. Link in my sig.

I had the time today to take new quality pics and do some forum updating. As you can see, every side of the topic was examined ha-ha-ha-ha 😛 😛

Crypto Mix:

The Crypto Mix is a few days more then a month old today.

I am quite astonished by the results. With the plastic foil being completely off for 1.5 weeks already the Crypts are doing very well with 2x spraying a day. This ADA glass with its high walls and small opening does wonders in keeping humidity. I estimate the humidity level to be something like 50-60% inside and that seems to be enough for the crypts.

SO! I can now confirm that in the right container, Cryptocoryne species are also completely Wabi Kusa capable.

I even had to prune the Crypts already.

Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Crypto Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr

Echino Mix:

The Echino Mix is also a month old.

Everything grows like crazy. Not a surprize since Im lighting with 58W temporarily.

UG is very easy to grow emersed, just make sure it isnt planted near a more agressive taller plant as it can rule it out.

The Echino 'Red Diamonds' are the red plants you can see on the pics. Its beautiful and grows well. After I cut off the old flower branches they have grown themselves new ones as you can see.

But Im experienceing a similar problem as with tenellus. It seems like it doesn't really become emersed. When I got it, it had very different emersed leaves which I cut off since then. The new leaves although very healthy seem to be sumbersed ones. The edges sometimes start to shrivel. I suspect now that if Echinos feel humidity they turn submersed, I can't find an other explanation as of yet. Ill try not spraying for a while and see what happens. The UG will have no prob as it is so short its always in high humidity on the soil.

Weird plants, Echinos. Ive read something on an old forum post in an other forum about people finding it difficult to convert it to full emersed form. I didnt find further info though.

Anyway, the plastic foil is mostly off this Wabi too. 1.5-2 weeks and Im gonna take it off completely.

Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr
Echino Mix by András Tündik, on Flickr

If you are interested in updates please check my Flicker page every now and then as I can update that more often then this journal. My paludarium looks good too... wow. that was modest :lol: 😛 I really like it Ill post new pics of it soon too.
Re: Schruz's Works

Any tips for growing UG emmersed ? Im growing some but its going very slowly, new leaves seem to be growing quite small
Re: Schruz's Works

NeilW said:
I would love to see a step by step tutorial on how to create something this amazing 😀

Neil, on the Hungarian forums I've done a 'question and answer' collection of the most important things on Wabis. I'll translate that soon if you guys want, I don't want to discriminate Britain from this knowledge 😀 But please be patient as I don't have time atm.

Over the summer Im planning to write a short (few pages long) freely downloadable essay for hobbysts on the background and tips and tricks of Wabi Kusa as I came to know it. Nothing scientific or anything, just a know-how... I plan it to serve as a detailed knowledge base with pics and maybe a few handy links etc. Would you guys be interested in such a thing, or would it be an overkill?

Mortis said:
Any tips for growing UG emmersed ? Im growing some but its going very slowly, new leaves seem to be growing quite small

Hi! I find UG a slower plant, whatever you provide for it. I'd put its rate of growth somewhere between marsilea species and HC. Its a bit faster emersed though. Also, it tends to be miniscule when above water, that's just its emersed form.

I can give you one tip though: don't plant UG in the traditional way. That is, dont push it into the substrate. It will establish itself much faster if you take apart a potful into small bunches and simply lay them down on the substrate and let the plant find its way into it. This works better because UG is a very peculiar plant. If you look at it closely you'll see that its 'leafs' are also 'stems' that can bud new leaves, roots and runners at the same time in many locations. And this way its parts can be angled in the best angle to root and all.

Since its physiology is so, in lack of a better word, "weird" I also think it does better this way because it doesnt benefit much from light when its pushed into the ground. but when its 'stems' are laid down vertically, their full length can photosynthesize. Now this is just a theory I made up, Im sure a botanist could give a better reason. But I found this the most logical explanation. And the plant for sure does better this way, Ive tried both ways.

By the way, did you see pics of the beautiful flowers it brings if feeling good enough? Like most bladderworts, its flowers are orchid-like beauties. My goal is to make this baby bloom 😀
Re: Schruz's Works

schruz said:
Over the summer Im planning to write a short (few pages long) freely downloadable essay for hobbysts on the background and tips and tricks of Wabi Kusa as I came to know it. Nothing scientific or anything, just a know-how... I plan it to serve as a detailed knowledge base with pics and maybe a few handy links etc. Would you guys be interested in such a thing, or would it be an overkill?
I for one would like to see this and think there would be many others out there that would appreciate the effort :thumbup:
Re: Schruz's Works

yes- i too would like to see more.
Re: Schruz's Works

Would love to see a guide also, I really want to give one of these a try 🙂
Yours are so bloody good !

Re: Schruz's Works

Hi all,
Utricularia graminifolia grows best in acid, nutrient poor conditions. We had a discussion about a while ago, when I used to have a lot of growing in with my other insectivorous plants. I'm pretty sure that I haven't got any now, as the windowsills the pots were on got very cold when we didn't have any heating in December 2010.

The lab has new double glazing now, so I may try again if it really doesn't re-appear.

<http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10477&p=112025> & <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11289>.

cheers Darrel
Re: Schruz's Works

dw1305 said:
Hi all,
Utricularia graminifolia grows best in acid, nutrient poor conditions. We had a discussion about a while ago, when I used to have a lot of growing in with my other insectivorous plants. I'm pretty sure that I haven't got any now, as the windowsills the pots were on got very cold when we didn't have any heating in December 2010.

The lab has new double glazing now, so I may try again if it really doesn't re-appear.

<http://ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10477&p=112025> & <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11289>.

cheers Darrel

Yes, yes I forgot to mention these facts. Keep this and my suggestions on planting in mind and you'll have a carpet. If you want it sumberged, start your tank with DSM. I think it gets a better hold that way.

I named my paludarium "Down by the Riverside". Its part of the lyrics or may be the title of a very old Dixieland song.

The tank is exactly 3 months old.

I'm loving the "live rock" 😀

Everything's fine, the Brasiliensis is being overgrown by the HC, whatever I do, so it is not too visible.

Have a bit of hair algae on the submersed UG but not much. It attracts it very nicely 🙂 Weird plant UG, weird plant..

&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr

Emersed close-ups:

&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr

Submersed closeups (sorry for contrasty pics):

&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr
&quot;Down By the Riverside&quot; by András Tündik, on Flickr