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Scarlet Fighting Badis

David Hewitt

15 Mar 2017
I have absolutely fallen for Scarlet Badis. Great wee fish. I had a single male in my 60p and was desperately trying to source some females. I tried a reputable apistogramma breeder on the off chance, and he thought he might have some. So I paid for three to get posted up to Scotland. They arrived and things were looking promising but over 48 hours they all coloured up and were clearly males. I don't blame the breeder as they were very young and apparently non-dominant.

Fast forward four to five weeks and I appear to have war on my hands. I spotted the reddest of the four cuddling up to the palest. I thought my luck might be in, but I am pretty sure that they are using aggressive wrestling techniques to try and put an end to one another.

Do these guys need separated and pronto? I've uploaded a low quality phone video of the action and would be grateful of any feedback. Apologies for the quality. To get straight to the the action, skip to around 40 seconds in.

That looks like courtship to me.
If it was fighting I would expect to see biting. And usually when it becomes clear which fish is stronger, the weaker one retreats and hides. In the wild the loser would leave the winner's territory and keep out of his sight. That's where the problem comes in the aquarium, if there's nowhere to go. So I think you have a pair, but if your others are males, you may well see some aggression if you leave them in there.
Would be my guess as well.

Same here.. 🙂 I had a few myself and they do not realy fight eachother. Male intimidations are simular in behaivor as the Trichopsis, just showing off. Spreading fins and circling eachother. The difference is Trichopsis looks for competition and the Dario is more like accidental encounter. Seperation aint necessary, but heavy planting, some caves and or broken eyesight created with hardscape and plants is more than enough. Than each goes his own way and makes a small territorium in his own corner. As described in the more complete databases about 30cm² per induvidual is pretty acurate. That i also experienced they just stay in their own established habitat for most of the time. Occasionaly they bump into eachother during foraging and than 1 is chased away. And it always seems that the one out of place is quickly realising he's not where he bellongs to be and backing off to his own corner again. And i also had 2 males sharing territory almost constantly without problems.
Check out Rachel O'Leary's species spotlight on Scarlet badis, AKA ''Dario dario'' on Youtube.
I read that "30cm² per indvidual". That would come to 60 fish in the 60P!
I suspect they may mean 30x30cm, 🙂
It's a little late but for anyone reading this now who is curious I watched a video on the mating rituals of scarlet badis and the 0:40 portion of the video is the act of mating when they curl up into a ball together like that. This is the moment where the female drops the eggs.