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Scape help

Sure we'll be able to sort something out. I'll tell you how I've bulked it up quickly too so you can do that yourself and grow as much as you need! Will be a month or so though as I've just repotted it and split it all up again recently and it'll need to grow out again before it gets disturbed really.
awesome pm me details,

How the tank looks as of today.
overall working shot, showing hungry hungry otto's and the hc they kindly unplanted. I need to buy an algae scraper too, paint the back of the tank too...

close up of the clado that's troubling me lately.
Plant's ordered, does anyone have any tips for when they arrive?
also where's the best place to get good sized rocks?
Should be doing the strip and plant some time in January, I'll be selling the anubia's I have at the moment then.
Also are there any other recommendations for plants I could use or would work well in this scape?
Ripped up the hc and relayed It, Added rocks and trimmed back everything else, ready for the new plant's here's how it looks now, what do you think? how do I improve it? constructive criticism welcome as always.
It looks like you have the makings of a nice tank there, Garuf.

I am not sure about the straight line of rocks that separate the fore ground from the rest of the tank. Personally, I would remove the large rock on the right.

Thank you Dave your not the first to recommend this and the more I look at the tank the more I agree, If you where to do this tank where would you take it next?
I'll look to remove/replace the rock, which would you recommend? I thought maybe 2 smaller rocks but I'm not so sure?
Again thank you, It's nice to know I'm actually getting somewhere. 🙂
Hm and mosses arrived today and the mosses are amazing to say the least, Anyone have any tips on where and how to attach? I was thinking maybe a few pebbles with moss on amongst the stones?
I'll be removing the large rock on the left when I attach the moss this way all the disturbances happen at once.
My AQmagic plants haven't arrived yet, Just hoping they arrive all in one piece.
at looks really really nice mate, I'm with dave on the line of rocks. If it were mine then I'd remove the big one and replace it with two smaller ones and place them to sort of wrap around the base if the wood?
my other thought is that there are two rocks on the left pointing upward, maybe remove one and point the other sort of less vertical if that makes sense. You have the makings of a great scape there, keep it up.
Thanks dan I'll look into point A, the rock in question I put in first, may be you can tell. I was considering turning it through 90degrees but I can't decide, If not 2x smaller ones will probably be what I use.
Forgive me but I don't get what you meant by point B? maybe you could circle what you mean or draw it?
Half way through re-scape

Half way though, time for a brew.
Any tips before I continue?
Im thinking anubias or moss for the large area of exposed wood, good idea?
Where do I plant the Needle leaved ferns?

As was suggested above the Anubias tied where the rock and wood meet would look good. Your needle leaved ferns could then be tied to the wood behind that on the bare section.
I tried and failed to get the anubias to stay in place just behind the rock so its slight up from there, the NLF I have tied to stones and placed them behind the 2 most vertical branches,I'll replant them else where once they're much bigger, if needs be that is.
Enough talk here are the pictures.
It's a mess and will take months to settle in properly but the building blocks are there.




Thanks arana, I'm looking forward to watching it grow in.
The bolbitis is going to either make or break this scape.
Looks great Garuf. I like the lily pipes and the whole 'ADA' style look to it.

Nice bit of scaping there too.

Thanks everyone, Rayi, yes it is, Its a powercompact screwed into a strip of guttering, I'll be hanging it soon as at present it only rests on my tank.
Thank you Andy, the lilies are cal aqua and if I'm 100% truthful 10gallons is out of their remit.
And thank you for the compliment, I'm looking forward to seeing your new scape.