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Scape Contest Comments

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Would you enter the UKAPS Hardscape Challenge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 76.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 7 23.3%

  • Total voters
UK Residents Only
OK! That's what missed.. :thumbup:

Indeed a bummer... Good it came up.. I definitively would have entered otherwise.. And in case i won give my precious winnings iniminiminimo away to a UK resident member of my liking. 😀 Since I'm not really in it for the money anyway... And a trip to UK to spend it wouldn't be very lucrative also.
I know it's a little of geographical postal logistics or regulations at the moment which makes things really hard but one thing I love about the forum is how everyone seems so welcome no matter where they are from. Would it be possible to let everyone enter and then either let the winner sort out postage or somehow have postage included in their gift (assuming the are easily posted to when things settle down) or let them have the moral win or the chance to pass on the winning gift (or auction on behalf of ukaps or for a charity of their choice).
I do know it's a tough situation but it would be good if we really could sort it out so everyone is included.
That sounds like a good idea @mort. It does seem like a great shame to exclude folk because of where they live. For now at least I've opened the competition up to members of the EU as well as Norway, Denmark and Sweden 😉
The logistics of sending live plants etc beyond Europe isn't very favourable.

So @CooKieS you're welcome to enter if you still want to 🙂
Good luck everybody! Unfortunately Can’t participate as I’m French

Entry to the competition is free and open to UK residents and EU members only

was about to post above but the posts are comming in so fast on the thread :crazy:
Don’t think the quote thing is working on my iPad.

@Guest ‘it's like Brexit never happened’.

But kezzabs post is the best post all year! Tim, when you meet with bozo re the summertime thing, can you mention our unanimous vote on this also. Since his brush with death he will have seen the error of his ways and agree instantly!
UK residents and EU members including residents of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

That’s rather unworldly 😵 🙁 :grumpy: :shifty:

Anyone outside these physical restrictions :walkingdead: could have been included as Hors concours :angelic:

(I’m guessing there’s no equestrians in your immediate circle 😉)
That’s rather unworldly 😵 🙁 :grumpy: :shifty:

Anyone outside these physical restrictions :walkingdead: could have been included as Hors concours :angelic:

(I’m guessing there’s no equestrians in your immediate circle 😉)
The main reason is a logistical one. AG don't ship beyond Europe because live plants don't travel so well over longer distances.

However, that's a great idea alto. Those members outside the geographical area mentioned can engage in the contest but will not compete for a prize. They can easily be identified by their country.
It also means that us Mods can have a go too. Both will be Hors concours.

If this appears like I'm making this up as I go along it's because I am 😕
And why the heck not? These are unprecedented times and we're all in the same boat 😉
The main reason is a logistical one. AG don't ship beyond Europe because live plants don't travel so well over longer distances.

However, that's a great idea alto. Those members outside the geographical area mentioned can engage in the contest but will not compete for a prize. They can easily be identified by their country.
It also means that us Mods can have a go too. Both will be Hors concours.

If this appears like I'm making this up as I go along it's because I am 😕
And why the heck not? These are unprecedented times and we're all in the same boat 😉

Excellent plan @Guest

As I work at AG I consider myself in the same boat! :thumbup:

Can they not be judged though, as that is part of the fun?
Maybe judged but ineligible for a prize!
Excellent plan.

As I work at AG I consider myself in the same boat! :thumbup:

Can they not be judged though, as that is part of the fun?

Maybe judged but ineligible for a prize!
Yes you shall go to the Ball after all...😉

Yes just to clarify all entries will be ranked, but those outside of the stated geographical area and mods and employees of AG will not be able to compete for a prize.
You're very generous Jay, but there is an obvious conflict of interest and it's already getting a bit too complicated and potentially difficult to manage 😉
Could be solved with a simple courtesy gesture, anybody participates with equal chances and honestly judged. Then if there is any question of the obvious conflict of interest in case of a winning AG employee or UKAPS Mod etc. etc. and for winning members outside the UK, then give yourself the obligation to organize a lottery for a or more UK members to win the price.

Even more participants, more fun, more scapes to gaze at and potentially more winners in the end.

A fair chance to win for everybody and receive the honour to go into the UKAPS annals as the scape contest winner! :clap:
And the AG voucher stays in the UK where it belongs... :thumbup:

Because it already is a courtesy matter we all dearly trust in, that this virtual contest, that can not be controlled, is fairly played and judged after all. 🙂