I was on the fence about getting these but they are beautiful, so added to the list. Well done @Wookii.
Thanks mate - I can whole heartedly recommend them.
I was on the fence about getting these but they are beautiful, so added to the list. Well done @Wookii.
Love that this is coming true! They can clearly sense a bigger tank in sight and are busy populating it for you 🙂
would they be fine in a 45l? footprint is 50x30cm. seriously fish, says minimum 60x30. so I think it should be fine. also how many? 1,2,3,5?It seems that way, I just wish they'd waited a couple of months! 😂 The five of them do fit fine in my 60cm/100L, but they do get a bit feisty with each other, especially at feeding times, so I can't wait to see them cruising around a 150cm/400L with all the extra space available!
would they be fine in a 45l? footprint is 50x30cm. seriously fish, says minimum 60x30. so I think it should be fine. also how many? 1,2,3,5?
yeah, I think I'll go for honey gouramis because they seem a bit more peaceful.I would say you're pushing it a bit to be fair at that size. Maybe if it was a 45cm cube, but definitely not a 45 litre.
You could get away with a 60 x 30 (60 litre +), and perhaps a 45 cube, but you need to create plenty of broken lines of site - sometimes they like to group together, sometimes they seem to hate the sight of one another, so you need space for individuals to get away - its more a behavioural thing than a fish size thing that you need to account for - they're not large fish, nor are they fast swimmers (unless they're being chased off) - their movement is very slow, calculated and seemingly intelligent - but they need space from one another. They'd be great in a biotope tank with loads of wood to resemble tree rots, leaf litter and black water - but I like plants too much to go full biotope!
I originally had six, but lost one so ended up with 5. They seem to have been fine in that number, and its enough to diffuse aggression. Ideally I'd have liked 8 but I think that would have been too many for my 60 x 40 x 40 tank.
Congratulations!Managed to catch another 7 this evening and transferred to the shrimp tank, dunking a glass under the floaters, like a child pond dipping, has proved much more efficient - I hope I’m doing the right thing moving them over?
Is there any fry food I should be adding for them - I’d need off the shelf stuff if anyone can recommend anything, as I’ve no time to culture infusoria?
At what stage should I be attempting to give them BBS, how big do they need to be?
I should say the only reason I took mine out is because they were new fry and were getting sucked into the filter and dad was having to save every single one - I'd have left them otherwise. Well done! I'm really tempted by chocos, they seem like my kind of fish.Congratulations!
They're not the same but I've raised a few honey gourami in a bucket. Why are you taking them out of that tank though? They've done the hard part now, they look a decent size, should be fine in there?
I just fed mine crushed up bugbites. I don't like training them to be fussy 👍
Why are you taking them out of that tank though? They've done the hard part now, they look a decent size, should be fine in there?
there hasn't been a full tank shot in a while @Wookii ! I'm dying to see what it looks like.
As promised . . . .there hasn't been a full tank shot in a while @Wookii ! I'm dying to see what it looks like.
also, forgot to ask, how is the aeschynomene fluitans to grow? I've got some in the mail that should be coming soon. looking back your tank has influenced my tank A LOT😳. gouramis, phyllanthus fluitans, aeschynomene fluitans....I've even got ember tetras lol. after all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
What a nice tank you have, the idea of using perspex as a barrier is really inventive. Really cool that you have gourami fry as they are pretty hard to keep ive experienced. What is your water change regime ?