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sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)


28 Oct 2008
i have recently acquired a nice little opti-white nano 😉

it is to replace my old chipped clearseal one which is holding shrimp. It will be a shrimp only nano, although i may add a few celestial danios, as i saw some at the LFS and they are beautys 😀

the style i have chosen is nature style again. but with rocks and wood. i have not tried using both before in a proper scape so thought i would take the oppertunity.

the wood is manzi. and the rocks are westmoreland stone. i quite like the light colour they have 😀

the planting will be crypt bullosa in the centre, with e parvula infront. then HC as a carpet between the rocks. moss on some of the wood leaving parts bare. in the background i will have HM or maybe a different stem :thumbup:


tank: 12x8x10 AE optiwhite
filter: eheim 1211 (i think 😵 )
heating: maybe a small 50w until its warm enough to leave out
lighting: superfish/aquadistri 11w

anyway, onto the setup. i have done a bit of a step by step

aquadistri lights which are very good

this is to give you an idea of how much substrate you would need. this is a 5l bag which would be enough for 2 nanos.(depending on how deep you want)

the tank:

substrate added:

leveled out:

hardscape added. i also added more substrate at this point:

some stones may look odd but this is due to me thinking about planting 😉

and one of the shrimp ready to be rehomed:
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

Very nice, I can't help but think the right hand wood and the very back wood should swap places though? What are your planting plans? You're right it looks odd but I'm sure your planting plan will explain more.
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

good looking start, what is that your using as your background?
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

Arte Et Labore 1875 said:
good looking start, what is that your using as your background?

there is some frosted backing on the tank. which you can buy from wilko. along with an a4 piece of paper, which fits a treat :thumbup:

thanks guys. i have decided this will not be the final layout though :lol: i am going to try and find some nicer wood and change things about. but the planting will be the same 😀
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

so. i have changed this today and half planted it. i only half planted because i changed my mind on the background plants at the last minute :lol:

heres some of the planting.

first i added the centre-piece plant. crypt bullosa

crypt bullosa is a beauty. i cant really do it justice.

next i removed some tiawan moss from the original nano

i tied it in patches as i want some of the wood to still be seen. after i tied them i trimed them down.

i then added e. parvula, also from the old nano. and a small amount of coral pelia i found when londondragon sent me some shrimp :shh:

planting shall resume shortly 😀
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

today i decided to fill this up as i will be on holiday soon so wont be able to mist it daily until the plants arrive. i also added the shrimp and i didnt realise how many there are :shock:

i still need to add the HC and a few more stems at the back

straight after filling. the florabase didnt cloud at all :thumbup:

after adding shrimp

Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

Looks the bees knees, Sam. What's the crypt do you know?
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

Hmmm, If only it were a sword, every time I've used crypts I've gotten a thick scum which soon abated when they were removed. It's pretty much perfect for my new tank by the looks.
Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano

Urgh, plants are so difficult to pick, it fully seems hit and miss!