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saintlys sumatradriftwood scape

i have some ada bright sand that i have not yet used. in this setup ive used (and the henge) GEO systems substrate. extra fine brown river gravel from maidenhead aquatics. for £15 you get roughly twice as much than ADA at less than half the price ....i think? any hows its good stuff. if id of said it was ADA you wouldnt know the difference.

heres a pic of the bag.....


heres a pic of the angels when you go to feed them. its great how they que up.


jay said:
Whats the plant along the sand path, just beyond the riccia?

i cant remember 😳 it was from MA and is an aquafleur variety but i cant remember what its called. i just see a plant and buy it with out regard for care needs. if it survives all well and good if not i dont get it again. this is what this tank is all about for me. seeing what i can grow and what i cant.
aaronnorth said:
are you on about the fine leaved stem plant?

looks like didiplis diandra to me.

Thats what I was guessing, just mine has its emergent leaves still. Good call Aaron!!

Good outlook towards plants there Mark, think w should all be more outgoing with plant choice, even when told they're difficult that usually is past down from before it became reletively easy to go hi-tech. With all the light and nutrients available to us now, and substrates, then most plants can be grown by most people. Give it all a go!!! 😀
mmm....my p stellata is starting to take a red hue now which is looking fab.


there will be more wood going in at the weekend!
That is nice. Been looking for a palm type plant like that... might be a bit big for my tank though.
Looks real good in yours, nice how it stretches out into the mid/foreground.
thanks sari. gd and bad news really. bad news...ve lost an angel, seemed to get bullied by the other 5 and over a couple of days it just gave up. the other 5 are getting very active, willing to feed whenever i go near the tank. ive also lost about 6 embers, im guessing the angels have eaten them :?

anyhow ive added 2 Anubias barteri var. nana just to see what they look like. stupid of me really because im not going to use them in the next scape. also the angels will be going. so look out peeps for plants and fish on the sale/swap section. ive commented before on the floating hc i have which just keeps growing and growing.

ive also finaly decided on what im going to attempt come scape time 😉

saintly said:
thanks sari. gd and bad news really. bad news...ve lost an angel, seemed to get bullied by the other 5 and over a couple of days it just gave up. the other 5 are getting very active, willing to feed whenever i go near the tank. ive also lost about 6 embers, im guessing the angels have eaten them :?


Nature at its most cruel.
well, ive been given the all clear for a trip to the green machine tommorrow 😀 re scape coming soon. im gona blow a fortune! :lol:
well sadly folks this scape is now officially over 🙁 its been a great learning curve from the iwagumi set up right at the beginning through to the untidy planting at the end of its life. hopefully tomorrow afternoon all the fish will go to MA @ east bridgford and i can empty it of its content. look for a new journal starting soon.

thanks to absolutely everyone who's commented and contributed to this scape.