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saintly's new website

Very nice layout and design. It's very easy to create a website, but a lot harder to make one look good.

Good work fellas.
samc said:
good shots on there makes me want to try photography

go for it, you'll love it! theres one or two from my wedding days, just to give a feel as to what i did before photography wise, it was a brief period but loved it all the same, until pressure of the day got to me as well as the bride and groom

the aquatic side of the photography is where i'm finding true enjoyment.

TDI-line said:
Great site Mark, very professional.

cheers dan. 😀
Superman said:
Stuff on photoshop tutorials would be really helpful! 😉

if i can think of some real valid stuff, it'll get added for sure 😀

George Farmer said:
You've got your Mum proof reading on Mothering Sunday?! Quality!

i know, she's unbelievable when it comes to grammar and spelling, she thinks ( i know) I'm a thicko 😛 it was a their, and there moment....