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Sagittaria natans


14 Sep 2007
Lewes, East Sussex
I have some sagittaria growing really well in my tank....it's about 2" tall and spreads by underground runners. I thought this was Sag natans.

However, i have recently bought some more of this and it is 12" tall...more like Vallis than Sag.

Have i got the right species as i'd really like the smaller one again.

Many thanks

Definately a Sag mate....the one ive grown has always kept small and been a perfect forground carpet plant which is why i bought more.
I had what I believed to be sagittaria subulata in my tank then was given more of the same, but the new stuff grew to vallis size proportions as well it looks identical to the original stuff, but just grows bigger *shrugs*. I'm giving up on it altogether as it's just too big for what I wanted.
I've got sagittaria subulata in my tank, Without CO2 it stays compact at about 2". With CO2 it just keeps growing longer and longer, slowly but very surely. Have never let it get past the 2 foot stage, but I am sure it would keep going if I did.
Vallis, Sagittaria and the chain species of Echinodorus can be very hard to tell apart. I have a form of E.angustifolius that looks just like a Sagittaria except it has pointed ends to the leaves rather than the rounded ends. I believe the only true way to tell apart shorter species of Vallis from the others is to do with the veination of the leaves. And this is just to tell the genera apart - never mind the species within them!

If you want to ensure that all the plants in each group will behave the same is to grow them on yourself and propagate them vegetatively. For species that will grow emersed this is often easily done in seed trays at first submerged then gradually allowed to grow up above the water line. Once emersed they can grow very quickly.
andy said:
Definately a Sag mate....the one ive grown has always kept small and been a perfect forground carpet plant which is why i bought more.

If you've got the perfect foreground plant in your tank, why not get one of those clearish plastic storage boxes, put some wet potting soil in, and a few dots of this plant, put it by the window for a few weeks, then flog it on here? 🙂

Put me down for a clump!

Perfect in my eyes mate...don't know if everyone will agree with me though. 😉

Thanks anyway....im going to rip it out and get something else from the LFS tomorrow. The smaller sp will be staying though