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Ryan's ADA 120p

I'd go for a variety of Hyphessobrycon species. I think several groups of different species will look great in your scape:cool:

P.S like the moss balls attached to the wood;)
If I were you I would not choose Discuss for this tank. Discuss needs open spaces, are pretty shy fish. You got plenty of wood in your tank, the fish may hurt itself when it is panic or stress.

I would say get less fish in this tank and a go for 50 Sawbwa resplendens
hello buddy. how you doing?
i been thinking and yes disus are very nice but that wishfull thinking ;) i agree they are to large for this layout. might stick to chocolate gourami
Plantation and woods are nice but your scape looks too symetrical to me.

Fishes: big school of simulans should compliments all that green very well. ;)
yes i know what you mean. i notice that when i was setting it up. i like what i done with it even doe it not as natural but like i said in the past its nothing special only for my liking. im hoping to keep it up for 2 years so once plants fill out its going to look super. im going add some house plants to the side and maybe at the back.
I'm not specialist in Discus, but I'd not put it to the aquascape. Your scape would be great with angels, but not extremely very big size (no altums). And of course any sort of smaller shoaling fish.
Please forgive me a link to another resource this is just illustration of possibility: http://aquascape-promotion.com/galereja-akvaskeipinga-72 (that tank has similar size to your).
i was talking to glen about angels. he got some super nice ones. real expensive :( as much as discus would cost but im going have alot of shrimp. they are the key to have no algae :lol:
angel are amazing too. got to think about it

i check out the link too cheers
I'd go for a variety of Hyphessobrycon species. I think several groups of different species will look great in your scape:cool:

P.S like the moss balls attached to the wood;)
thanks tim. fish are hard to get depends on the supplier. might have to put in a special orders in :) glad you like the moss. i never had them before. its been a couple of days now and the moss is still wet which is good. let see how it goes. we need to all meet up again :thumbup:
Hi Ryan lovely update photos! For your big tank -I think it would be nice to keep fish you could otherwise not keep in a smaller tank - I found this on the ukaps FB gallery (& held my interest because I have angels in mine)http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/end-of-summer-300l-planted.34548/ there are beautiful babies in it! If you want shrimp & Angels - my lfs have amano shrimp from Sharnbrook Shrimp which are particularly big & haven't attracted my Angels as I got them as juveniles. Although they are not yet fully mature so the dynamics of the tank may change...
Longterm it will be the shrimp or the angels ... it's a very rare angel that does not eventually decide to taste a shrimp & then it's done ...

Some shrimp might survive, but they'll be in deep hiding & not doing much as tank crew

If tank is very densely planted before angels are introduced, shrimp will last much longer (& even breed in numbers) - you'll see them after the angels have left the building :D

Photo Update???
Hi Ryan,

Looks very inspiring, where did you get than much manzanita wood from? I am trying to find a large amount for my new tank when it arrives.

hello everyone

wow its has been over 5 week since my last up date. I been so so busy with work lately and other bits and bobs in the way.
now lets talk about the tank. so far the tank looking great im really happy the plants mass they are growing super fast and healthy. hc is spreading nicely too. I wanted to try some different with my lucky bamboo plants which i already had and a lily house plant I got from dobbies to add some funky look to it. turn out not too bad I like it :)

Week 2





Week 4

I went to Spain on a family holiday for a week and before I went I done my normally water change and check everything before I left. hoping when I get back I would see a nice lush green tank but instead I got this algae farm which to be honest it look really bad in the pictures but I soon sorted it out. big large water change, bring out the tooth brush and trim trim and trim :lol: not funny when I first got home though.
most stem plants was covered and hc was badly affected I had to cut away large area of it. other plants was doing ok
the reason why it got mess up so fast was the water evaporate so much the water line was below my outlet pipes which cause the co2 to degas straight away cause I inject my co2 straight in to my filter. I should of know and tell a family member to top it up but now I know never going to happen again






Week 6

I met up some friend at my local fish store and pick up 30 amanos otto Siamese Algae and I also added some Siamese Algae. they did a really job keeping the wood clean
so far so good. plants are bouncing back and stem are growing super fast again. hc is recovering a lot better than I thought. I be going on holiday again for 2 weeks but this time I got my cousin looking after the tank for me. he will be feeding the fish and topping up the water for me. let see what happen this time :lol:

cool so I will update you guys after the holiday
shout out to roy and neil we need to meet up again soon








tank picture taken today 13/10/2016
Longterm it will be the shrimp or the angels ... it's a very rare angel that does not eventually decide to taste a shrimp & then it's done ...

Some shrimp might survive, but they'll be in deep hiding & not doing much as tank crew

If tank is very densely planted before angels are introduced, shrimp will last much longer (& even breed in numbers) - you'll see them after the angels have left the building :D

Photo Update???

Is this likely to be the case with amano shrimp too? :( I only ask as you mentioned breeding & this wouldn't apply to them in our tanks. My angels don't seem to like their antenna... (sorry to derail Ryan!)

here you go mate. sorry for taking so long
No worries, well worth the wait ☺ You got your algae under control really quickly & super crystal water - really stunning ☺(& I'm a 'her' btw :D)