Brown pinholes in leaf. Only on the old leaves of this lagenandra. Doesn’t affect any other plants in the tank. New growth unaffected (yet).
Curious what potentially could cause it? I’ve changed the tank around a bit recently so it could be adjustment to new parameters.
90L tank, 25C.
CO2 injected to a mid green (not lime green).
Light is broken currently but maybe medium levels of light.
Ferts are Solufeed. Use the trace mix and macro mix. Have been using the same for about a year. Both dosed 12hrs apart using dosing pump.
Neon tetras, one golden ram, bristlenose plec and a couple of corydoras.

Curious what potentially could cause it? I’ve changed the tank around a bit recently so it could be adjustment to new parameters.
90L tank, 25C.
CO2 injected to a mid green (not lime green).
Light is broken currently but maybe medium levels of light.
Ferts are Solufeed. Use the trace mix and macro mix. Have been using the same for about a year. Both dosed 12hrs apart using dosing pump.
Neon tetras, one golden ram, bristlenose plec and a couple of corydoras.