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Roughly how long does emersed moss take to transition to submerged form?

Aqua Hero

8 May 2015
I attached weeping moss to parts of my hard scape but it came in emersed form. Some moss is on the wood which is closer to the light whereas moss on the lava rocks is partially shaded by the java fern trident hanging over it.

How long roughly does it take for it to transition to submerged form?

Tank: 40cmx25cmx25cm
Light: Chihiros A401 (extended 20cm above water and dimmed to 50% intensity) 8hr period
Temperature: 23-24c
pH: 7.5
Substrate: Tropica Aquasoil and Miracle gro root tabs
Ferts: Not dosing at the moment due to nutrients leeching from root tabs and soil
Co2: 2kg fire extinguisher with intank bazooka, 2hr before lights are on
Filter: Aquaclaer 20
Water changes: Daily for the first week currently

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I guess it does transition through to a different growth habit. Below is mini Christmas moss, for instance, it stays fairly compact emersed but submersed the leaves and stems elongate and become a bit unruly.

I've grown a few species emersed and then flooded and they all seemed perfectly happy and just continued to grow. Never noticed any die off. But I guess it's like any other transitioning plant, give it enough light, nutrients, and CO2 and it should be fine.

Grown emersed for several weeks

About 8 weeks later
I guess it does transition through to a different growth habit. Below is mini Christmas moss, for instance, it stays fairly compact emersed but submersed the leaves and stems elongate and become a bit unruly.

I've grown a few species emersed and then flooded and they all seemed perfectly happy and just continued to grow. Never noticed any die off. But I guess it's like any other transitioning plant, give it enough light, nutrients, and CO2 and it should be fine.

Grown emersed for several weeks

About 8 weeks later
Thanks but that doesn't really answer my question. I'm asking roughly how long it takes for the moss to transition? Weeks or months?

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