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rotala blood red is blotchy?

Hi everyone!
Comming back to this thread, I hope that's OK, Otherwise I'll open a new one...
The Rotala is doing great. Still, the new leaves on the Tripartitia (and I noticed on the Lymnophilia and the new Siamensis as wel), keep appearing light, as cause of a possible iron shortage.
I would like to go with the advised DIY TPN+ (3) fertiliser from "the planted tank", to see if this solution handles iron better. But I don't know where to get the "EDTA Chelated Trace Elements Mix (TNC Trace, CSM+B)". Should I even go with it because the CSM+B was not recommended by @John q . Could I use my trace elements achieved from "Planted Box"? And do I use the same amount ?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Richard
You can use the Trace/Micro mix from Planted Box!
Use the same grams per water container volume!
Light green leaves could be low Nitrate levels for these plants?
Or just new growth plus some plants are naturally lighter green 💚 in colour.
I'm not sure I didn't recommend it. I think it was the unknown composition that made me hesitant.
I'm sorry! I was mistaken by your reply where you said: "They probably are csm+b". Happi was the one that said: "judging by the picture, it appear to look like csm+b which I personally consider as a terrible product".

Thanks @G H Nelson, I will try a batch of the ferts from "the planted tank"!

I'll post results!