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Roots Dyed Dark - Low Tech Blackwater (updated 08-04-14)

I "harvested"catappa leaves of my own Terminalia | UK Aquatic Plant Society. So i just throw them in.
I have seen the recipes where you boil about 10 and get the water in a bottle. Just add some cc's at each waterchange.
Anyone got any experience with hydra? I've just started seeing some in my tank, there's not loads, but I am a little worried that the population will increase as I feed 100% live food (artimia, daphina and micro worms). I'm very cautious about how much I feed so I think this will keep the population under control. However I would like to be rid of them.

Has anyone used panacur? I have read that this works quite well!? Will panacur affect my fish, shrimp, plants etc?

Any help would be appreciated. I've never had to deal with these little besties before.

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Brilliant! Thanks Tom. I may try the granules as darrel suggest in the link you provided. The oral syrup is £20 😱, the granules are only £6.50, which is not bad at all. I've just had another look and i can see a few more anchored to my anubias. I didn't see any catch the brine shrimp i've just thrown in 🙂.

Thanks again.[DOUBLEPOST=1396295989][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have some hydra in the blackwater cube, i don't realy mind them, should i?. I figure fish will probably eat them if they notice them.

Hi Ed! My fish are not interested at all. If you are trying to breed i would get rid. When there a little larger, apparently they can take fry, i'm not so keen on having them in there at all.
Ive used both panacur with good success and also esha gaztropex which kills snails and hydra

Cheers Al! I have got some gastropex, which i bought to get rid of the bladder snails i have in my tank. I haven't used it yet though, how effective would you say it was at killing the hydra? I've just read the instructions and it only says "combats" hydra. The snails aren't a problem at the minute, and the population is quite small. If the gastro isn't gonna kill the hydra straight off, i'd rather just use the panacur and save adding lots of different chemicals to the tank.
Cheers Al! I have got some gastropex, which i bought to get rid of the bladder snails i have in my tank. I haven't used it yet though, how effective would you say it was at killing the hydra? I've just read the instructions and it only says "combats" hydra. The snails aren't a problem at the minute, and the population is quite small. If the gastro isn't gonna kill the hydra straight off, i'd rather just use the panacur and save adding lots of different chemicals to the tank.

Its 'combats' snails and hydra mate which to me means wiping both out. I did have what I thought was hydra and used this and havent seen it since.

If youd rather be certain theyre killed then panacur is a definite for wiping them out plus any other unwanted guests.
Up to you mate. If youve already got the gastropex theres no harm in giving it a go and seeing what happens.
Dont perform any kind of water change for a bit before though as water conditioners reduce its effectiveness
Its 'combats' snails and hydra mate which to me means wiping both out. I did have what I thought was hydra and used this and havent seen it since.

If youd rather be certain theyre killed then panacur is a definite for wiping them out plus any other unwanted guests.
Up to you mate. If youve already got the gastropex theres no harm in giving it a go and seeing what happens.
Dont perform any kind of water change for a bit before though as water conditioners reduce its effectiveness

I just want rid of them to be honest mate, the male paros have started flashing the females.. So i'm hoping they will start getting down to business in the near future 🙂, i'm worried the hydra will kill the fry, if the paros spawn 🙁. On that note do you know what the conductivity was in your tank when you had the paros breeding?

My conductivity is a little high at the moment (160 micro siemens / cm), probably due to the frets i'm adding. I know this can have an effect on the development of the eggs, and was just wondering if you had some success with similar or higher readings?