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Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (month 3)

Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

Yeah, I really must order one. The eheim thing looks like a right monster in there! Effective though. Great little heater.

Cabomba is going mad, as are the other plants. I'm not injecting CO2 for this tank, although I have been adding a very small amount of easycarbo.

Tank now has zero ammonia, so not long til I can move some cherries over from the 60-P.

Anybody have opinions on best food for cherries and shrimplets (in the hope they breed that is)?

I did a swap with my local LFS too. He took some of my hrgrophila and gave me some monosolenium tenerum, which looks lovely and should be somewhere attractive for the cherries to hang out.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

Hmmm, just writing this to record the possibility in case I forget...

I have some steel mesh I had forgotten about and wonder if it could be put to use. I've got some weeping moss on the way and I think I could form a nice base for the moss using the mesh and use that to hide the heater.

Would save buying another heater and the one I have is good. Holds a pretty constant temperature which is important as I want to breed shrimp.

Plus, weeping oss looks lovely and will provide plenty of hiding places for the shrimplets.

Rambling over.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

Well, not sure when this happened but three of the cherries are fit to burst with eggs. Fascinating watching them turn the eggs over as they carry on like normal. There also seems to be a centimetre long MTS in the tank as well. No idea how that got in there, as I don't have any in my other tank.

Still no photos but I will get some soon. Not a pretty scape but great for the shrimp, with lots of hiding places.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

Not the best photos around but the iPhone is ok for quick snaps.
Anyway, meet one of the cherries: This is looking in from the left, across the front edge of the tank.

IMG_1356 by

And here is one very berried! A little out of focus but you can make out the yellow eggs. Not the single HC plantlet I planted to see how it would do. It only had one leaf to start with, so in a few years I might have a carpet!

Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

That first cherry is practically sakura quality mate :thumbup:
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

pariahrob said:
the single HC plantlet I planted to see how it would do. It only had one leaf to start with, so in a few years I might have a carpet!
Sorry for random comment, but my first thought when i saw your shrimp and the lonely hc was how annoying it would be if your shrimp.... :angel:...... plucked it! :twisted:
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

Ady34 said:
pariahrob said:
the single HC plantlet I planted to see how it would do. It only had one leaf to start with, so in a few years I might have a carpet!
Sorry for random comment, but my first thought when i saw your shrimp and the lonely hc was how annoying it would be if your shrimp.... :angel:...... plucked it! :twisted:

Haha, I reckon the shrimp that does that will end up as barbecue fodder ! :lol:
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

I might have set up a camera. Motion detectors and a laser barrier!

Nah, the HC was plucked out with one tiny strand of root, so thought I'd chuck it in just to see how it did under the LED and no CO2. If it gets munched that's fine. Does look a bit odd on it's own.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

pariahrob said:
Just got in and found two dead shrimp. One berried and one not. I've tested the water and no signs of ammonia or nitrites. I've done a 30% water change but can't think what would have caused this.

Any idea?
bad luck mate, whats the weather like where you are?
its hot here and my tank was up to 82 f, maybe they got too warm and lack of oxygen?
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

yeah it would help to increase oxygen content. You did the best thing with a water change.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

After speaking to a few people and doing some reading another possibility could be jolting problems/bacterial infection, so I've got some genchem stuff to cover that angle.
No more losses but best to be safe than sorry.

Still have a number of berried shrimp so fingers crossed.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

:lol: that does make more sense - I have visions of you accidentally electrocuting your shrimps! Anyhow, are the remaining ones still all ok? Hopefully it was just an unfortunate blip.
Re: Rob's Fencepost nano tank. (week2)

I hope that never happens!

The remaining shrimp all doing well. Still expecting a good few new arrivals, so looking forward to that.

I turned my back yesterday to empty a bucket and one of my dogs stole ALL of my fish and shrimp food and ate the lot though!

Ordered some more and I had to suffer the worst dog wind ever but all ok. I called the vet to make sure the dogs would be ok and they are. Just gassy!